dream_inspired's Journal


23rd October 2004

1:06pm: The Legend of Gershald Part 1 - Act 1
The Open Road. Andrew spent the entire trip huddled in the back of a 30 year old pick up truck. When he was a kid he always dreamed of traveling across the country, but this trip was far from a vacation. How many miles had he traveled? He thought about a lot of things on his trip so far, he had a lot of time to do so. But one name always kept popping back into his thoughts, the man that got him where he was today. He kept thinking of Gershald...

Just five years ago when this journey started Andrew had never even met Gershald. He had heard his name before, but he didn't really know anything about him. Gershald to most people in the world was really a mystery, people heard of his exploits but very few actually knew who he was or more importantly, what he was.

At this time Andrew was working for a small shipping company based in Rhode Island. It wasn't exactly legal shipping company, but then again, neither was Andrew's particular line of work. One day about mid June, Andrew was sent on a pretty standard job. He was to eliminate a shipping manager from a larger, more legal shipping company. His boss's plan was to get one of his insiders that worked for the other company promoted into that position.

The plan was well thought out, there should have been nothing to stop it from working. But today was special and fate, it seems, was against Andrew. He got in to position and waited to strike. His target would be leaving the office any minute now, Andrew had been watching him for two weeks and his methods were like clockwork. But today was different, the man never left the office. Andrew lied in waiting for another hour, nothing.

Something was up, thinking he had been ratted out Andrew started down his escape route. It was too late. As soon as he turned around he was faced with a grinning face. Something was very evil about this face, he could not put his finger on what it was exactly but looking into this mans eyes he felt a terror grow deep within his bones.

Not knowing what to do Andrew drew his gun and prepared to fire. His opponent was much to fast though and quickly snapped the weapon out of his hand. Andrew felt a sharp pain deep in his gut, when he looked down he noticed a long blade in the mans hand, covered in blood. The last thing Andrew remembered was falling back into a puddle of his own blood...

When you enter the void between life and death, you are shown the events of your entire life, and are given a choice. You can either live on and finish your work on this planet, or you can submit to your fate and enter the realm of the dead. For those that choose to stay, may this be a warning. The remainder of your days shall be filled with pain and suffering. This plain of existence is no longer meant for you, and you will know the torment of an unwanted soul...
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