Wednesday, July 1st, 2015



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WHO: Gunnar Song
WHAT: What happened after the fight.
WHERE: Training Center, Lobby, Library.
WHEN: Backdated to early morning of Friday, June 26.

We gotta do somethin’ about this mess. )
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Friday, June 26th, 2015

[text sent to all his contacts in bg, late evening of thursday]

- Hey so you know that song that goes keep your hand at the level of your eye? It's gonna save your life
- Anyway I kinda need help drawing spiders to the tc
- Also if you know mjrn can you tell her to come down to tc?
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WHO: Gunnar Song + Anyone!
WHAT: More spiders, but this time he has a plan (not even just a part of a plan) and he has to make it work.
WHERE: Training Center
WHEN: Evening of Thursday, June 25
WARNINGS: Violence, etc.

A weaver has no quarrel with a T-Rexaur? )
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Sunday, June 21st, 2015

[fathers' day loiregram]

igotasong 1 hour ago
Costa del Sol

Has anyone seen my husband? :) :) :)
#happyfathersday #iloveyougun

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Friday, June 19th, 2015

WHO: Margery Redmane + Birthday Attendees!
WHAT: Red's Beach Birthday Bash!
WHERE: Costa del Sol
WHEN: Morning of Saturday, June 20 to Afternoon of Sunday, June 21.
WARNINGS: Varies, knowing the crowd.

costa del sol
You got me feeling OK. )
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Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

WHO: Gunnar Song + Anyone!
WHAT: The beast plays a grat...and takes down the beastmaster.
WHERE: Classroom hallway.
WHEN: Early evening of Monday, June 15

It’s potato night tonight and I still gotta pick up some spuds! )
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Tuesday, May 19th, 2015


Hey man, guess what tomorrow is.
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Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

WHO: Gunnar Song + Anyone!
WHAT: Grat hunting.
WHERE: Library
WHEN: Evening of Tuesday, May 12

I have one of the baby grats-- shhh! No! That you posted about right here. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this private so you had better send an extractor as fast as you can. )
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Tuesday, May 12th, 2015


HEADS UP, THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Until we give you guys the all-clear notice, PLEASE WATCH WHERE YOU'RE STEPPING. There's an outbreak of grat babies happening right now and we'd really appreciate you guys not to kill them when they have so much more to live for. REMEMBER: THESE ARE GRAT BABIES. THEY'RE PRACTICALLY HARMLESS. They're vines aren't fully developed yet so they won't sting or bruise and if they do secrete their juice or expel gas, neither of those are potent yet! Worst case scenario is you'll have to wash your shoes or your pants or you'll be sneezing a lot. Most of the babies that escaped are about 12 to 15 inches high but some of them are even smaller. So please, please, if you ever feel like being kind to grats, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME FOR THAT.

Cadets, if you see any grat baby, please call an instructor or a SeeD to help you with it. Instructors and SeeDs, please bring them back to the Training Center unharmed. NOTE: GRATS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED AS PETS SO PLEASE DON'T KEEP THEM.

Thank you!
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Monday, May 11th, 2015

[mother's day loiregram]

songram 9 hours ago

Mother's Day lunch!!! Happy Mother's Day! :)

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Tuesday, May 5th, 2015


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Hey thanks to everyone who dropped by the TC booth in the bazaar! I just wanna share to you guys that because of your contribution, the jungle team managed to raise a total of 6,125 gil! It's not much but you could get a decent phone with this one, right? It won't be the best phone, sure, but it's still something you can use to contact your loved ones! All funds will be turned over to the Garden. The rest of the stuff we couldn't sell will be donated to various charities.

Thanks again!
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Friday, May 1st, 2015

Wutai Souvenirs for One and All

Edgar )

Red )

Sage )

Nao and Ruth )

Zell )

Headmaster Cid, Doc Kadowaki, Edgar, Dagger, Naomi, Gunnar & Aggie, Xu )

Left in a common room for Cadets and SeeDs )
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Tuesday, April 28th, 2015


HEY FELLAS! Just a reminder that the deadline for picking up your stuff in the lost and found booth is on May 1. After that, don't be surprised to see your stuff on sale in the Garden bazaar or in a box addressed to an orphanage. We could really use the money and the space for future projects!
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Sunday, April 26th, 2015

Text to Gunnar, Cloud, Naomi and Xu
Hello ! this is my new number. If you' ve sent me a message from last Saturday, I didn' t get it ! Sorry ! - Sabin Figaro

Text to Dagger and Zell
- Hello ! Sabin here. Using this number now. Please delete old one. Lost it last Saturday. How are play preparations going ? :-)

Text to Red and Edgar
- Heads up Getting my stuff in Albrook this weekend.
- I invited Kemp along, she lived there. Also asked her to hang with us after Treno next weekend. That' s fine right ?
- I' ll be in touch. I won' t lose this phone. Rest easy yeah ? Don' t end up knocking cream bottles in the bathroom. ;-)
- That was bad I mean just don' t strain yourself too much.

Private Message to Sage
-What a hectic week it's been yeah ? Hope you are well.
- This is Sabin / Rene. New number.

Private Message to Kemp

- Hello Kemp ! It' s Sabin. This is bad form on my part, but can you send your number again ? Left my phone in Wutai.
- Fancy a trip to Albrook this weekend ?
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Friday, April 24th, 2015

WHO: Gunnar Song + Margery Redmane and/or Edgar Figaro + other visitors!
WHAT: Visiting party!
WHERE: Red's room, Balamb Garden.
WHEN: Starts midday of Tuesday, April 21.
WARNINGS: Varies??
NOTES: Sub-threads per day of visit will be made available for everyone's use! This is just to lessen spamming and to consolidate everything. :3

Wait, were pizza and flowers a good mix?! )
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Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

[texts, backdated to morning of tuesday, april 21]

- HEY I heard about what happened!!
- How are you feeling today? Can I drop by?
- Sorry I couldn't visit you yesterday. I got the text late and didn't want to disturb you!
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Friday, April 17th, 2015

[friday dawn loiregrams]

songram 6 hours ago
Balamb Garden

First coffee of the day! With @xurly

songram 3 hours ago
Balamb Garden

Good morning!!! With @xurly

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Hey, everyone! You probably don't remember this but about a month ago I posted something in the network (link here) about the TC's lost and found booth. I was asking everyone to please come and check it out 'cause we're really running out of space and we really need you guys to reclaim your stuff here. Now I know that a little after that, the eclipse happened and the TC sort of became off limits for many of you. Well, because of that, we've decided to extend the expiration of item storage until May 1, after which we'll have to get rid of the items one way or another. Same rules apply from the last post I made. Just click the link!

Okay, now here's the thing: Zell suggested we sell these things and give whatever profit we gain back to the Garden. We thought that's a good idea but since you're the ones losing these things, we thought we'd give the vote to you! What do you think? Should we sell the lost and found items past their 30-day mark? Responses encouraged!

Man, midnight shifts sure are dragging...but hey! It's better this way than the whole Garden screaming about monster infestations, right? :D Five hours 'til quittin' time...
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