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ic: network/scenes/plot posts

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mognet - [crouching tiger] [15 Aug 2014|01:16am]
I CAN'T SLEEEEP. The sky's awake, so I'm awake!

Ever feel like your brain won't shut off and just let you rest? Too many random thoughts.

Like. Has anyone ever started trying to imagine what your classmates or better your INSTRUCTORS wear to bed? Then considered pulling a fire alarm just to find out?


Yeah, me neither. That would be silly.

[15 Aug 2014|12:26pm]
Who: Nanaki and Auron
What: Confessions of a Beastie Boy
Where: Instructor Bevelle's classroom
When: Friday evening, August 15

No one knew about what happened, not even his grandfather. At least, that's what he still thought. )

[Visible to cadets] [15 Aug 2014|03:49pm]
Anybody know how to bake a cake?

[15 Aug 2014|11:25pm]
So, hey

You busy tomorrow?


Hey, don't suppose you're heading into town soon? Doc's suggesting I get a brace for my arm. She said there might be someone in Garden who can make one up for me, but I'd rather not get anybody else involved. Think you might be able to find me one the next time you're around there?

[ viewing | August 15th, 2014 ]
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