March 13th, 2009

05:35 pm - Fic: Mercy (1/3)
Title: Mercy
Author: [info]gatewaygirl
Pairings: Draco/Harry/Snape, background Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Remus
Length: 23,657
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This story was written for amusement value only. Not my characters.
Warnings: BDSM (all), exhibitionism, minor abuse of authority, dirty talk, a tiny bit of bestiality, and misuse of equestrian supplies. AU.
Prompt: Werewolf!Draco and Werewolf!Harry are lovers, but lately they've been interested in getting a third into their pack -- they're convinced Snape would make a fabulous werewolf and submissive lover. Snape still hates/is terrified of werewolves, but they're determined to not take 'no' for an answer....
Author Notes: Thanks to [info]calanthe_fics for Britpicking and beta (and putting up with yet more Snape), and [info]clauclauclaudia for emergency kink beta when I was panicking, and for telling me it wasn't done when it wasn't. You're both wonderful!

Mercy: 1/3 )
Current Mood: working

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05:42 pm - Fic: Mercy (2/3)
Title: Mercy
Author: [info]gatewaygirl
Pairings: Draco/Harry/Snape, background Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Remus
Length: 23,657 (total)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This story was written for amusement value only. Not my characters.
Warnings: BDSM (all), exhibitionism, minor abuse of authority, dirty talk, a tiny bit of bestiality, and misuse of equestrian supplies. AU.
Prompt: Werewolf!Draco and Werewolf!Harry are lovers, but lately they've been interested in getting a third into their pack -- they're convinced Snape would make a fabulous werewolf and submissive lover. Snape still hates/is terrified of werewolves, but they're determined to not take 'no' for an answer....
Author Notes: Thanks to [info]calanthe_fics for Britpicking and beta (and putting up with yet more Snape), and [info]clauclauclaudia for emergency kink beta when I was panicking, and for telling me it wasn't done when it wasn't. You're both wonderful!

Mercy: Part 1

Mercy: 2/3 )
Current Mood: working

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05:47 pm - Fic: Mercy (3/3)
Title: Mercy
Author: [info]gatewaygirl
Pairings: Draco/Harry/Snape, background Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Remus
Length: 23,657 (total)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This story was written for amusement value only. Not my characters.
Warnings: BDSM (all), exhibitionism, minor abuse of authority, dirty talk, a tiny bit of bestiality, and misuse of equestrian supplies. AU.
Prompt: Werewolf!Draco and Werewolf!Harry are lovers, but lately they've been interested in getting a third into their pack -- they're convinced Snape would make a fabulous werewolf and submissive lover. Snape still hates/is terrified of werewolves, but they're determined to not take 'no' for an answer....
Author Notes: Thanks to [info]calanthe_fics for Britpicking and beta (and putting up with yet more Snape), and [info]clauclauclaudia for emergency kink beta when I was panicking, and for telling me it wasn't done when it wasn't. You're both wonderful!

Mercy: Part 1

Mercy: Part 2

Mercy: 3/3 )
Current Mood: working

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Drapery or Snarco: who's in the middle? - 13th March 2009

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