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[05 Mar 2014|05:27pm]
Hi guys! Matty (rhymeschream on AIM and @gmail if you ever wanna reach me) here with my 5th. Kill me.

This is Eleanor Smith, daughter of Zacharias Smith and Victoria Frobisher. Don't call her Eleanor, or she will shove you and kick dirt at you. Call her Ellie. She hates pink, she hates being criticized, she hates being told what to do even a little and even if she asks for it. BUT, she's super passionate and loving, if a bit forgetful of whatever she was being passionate about.

She has severe attention problems and nearly failed out of school. Some people might have realized she wasn't in class much or the like, but she talked a lot in class. So no one really knows. BUT SHE PASSED, thank god. She is actually a 1st year, despite being the age of the 3rd years. She was a reserve beater for the Wasps for the past two years, but injured her hip and was basically warned she could either play for another year and basically be useless the rest of her life or she can do something else. So, since she's pretty dramatic and likes talking and entertaining, she got accepted to WADA. She's just kind of loud and weird. The end.

She could use ALL lines. She has a sister who is the age of the first years at WADA, so she might know some of them. Also, since she's a first year.

She needs a roomie in Gilmore HINT HINT.
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