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Back December 5th, 2009 Forward

Ninjas, away!

fodirteg [userpic]

Thanks for your clicks :D  )

gummiebeer and gommeke  )

Saturday... )

~Willow~ [userpic]

clicky please )

alicit [userpic]

The Ice hatchlings have gendered with plenty of time for me to influence the remaining Ice egg. I used "Bite" on the red egg, but it got turned and kicked out of the nest. Luckily, my son's vamp hatchling grew up today and he had it bite another egg and gifted it to me (and I love the code, I've already got a name for it, provided it genders male). I bred a geode egg from CB stone parents and I 'll put it up for trade on LJ's dragonbrood tomorrow, let me know if anyone would like first dibs on it. I am looking for a CB Magma, CB Thunder or CB Magi.

Clicks preferred )

Back December 5th, 2009 Forward