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Back October 31st, 2009 Forward
alicit [userpic]

Just the red hatchling and the vampire candidates today. And two out of the three eggs will probably be dropped after I decide which egg gets the honour.

Edited :-)

Clicks preferred )


Well, I've had an empty scroll for a while, on purpose, waiting for Halloween. So I'm back with some eggs, for me AND kidlet, since he has a vampire. :-)

Pet the babies ... mind the teeth )

記憶したか? [userpic]


Ninja clicks for all!

Mood: happy
Music: T.M. Revolution - last resort

3 Halloween eggs & 3 hatchlings! )

fodirteg [userpic]
ETA: Harvest egg does hatch into Dragon

I've not done much collecting for quite a while, but I have been waiting for Hallowe'en. Alas, when my lone Vampire from last year used his “bite” on one egg, the egg just died. It looks as though I can try again in 4 weeks (long “cool down,” but apparently the BSA is going to stay available :D ) I had better luck getting a Zombie, by killing & reviving one of my adults. Felt a bit guilty for the kill, but hey, I got the Zombie!

ETA: TJ's harvest eggs have hatched into little light orange dragons (which enjoy "running through a nearby pumpkin patch") so they probably won't mature into scarecrows, or jack-o-lanterns. They could be pumpkin-ish, though, of course. Hee.

I also managed to catch some new Hallowe’en eggs. Bit of info: I was able to get my Pinks to attempt to gender-Influence the new eggs, so apparently they do come in 2 genders (as single gender breeds, like the Purples, aren’t influence-able.) I was also able to catch 3 of them, so it seems there isn’t a 1 or 2 egg limit. Happy Hunting!

Here are my eggs. Clicks are requested, please )

ladylark [userpic]

Happy Halloween everyone!  I will edit my post if I catch any new ones...

Ghost!Ninja clicks and views going out!

Happy Halloween )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
New Eggs!

Clicks... )

clicky  )

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

Zachary Keil | Zadkiel [userpic]

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alicit [userpic]
Halloween at last!

Well, all that planning worked! :-D For those that haven't seen one before, that ugly grey thing is a first stage vampire hatchling. Fortunately, it gets prettier when it gets its wings. I didn't manage to get any zombies, although both my kids did, and we each got several harvest eggs. Not bad for a day's work clicking. Yay!

Clicks preferred )

Back October 31st, 2009 Forward