Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back October 23rd, 2009 Forward
alicit [userpic]

I am late, but here are my babies:

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new eggs ^^

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thank you! *goes of to click* :D

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

edit: the blue waterpony is up for adoption, so if anyone wants a female cb, let me know. Otherwise it will be dropped in the AP

clicky  )

sg [userpic]

getting ready for work )

5 eggs, 1 hatchling )

alicit [userpic]
Statement of intentions, some info and an offer.

From today till Halloween I am not picking any full time eggs. I have lots of plans in case there are new dragons, and in case the "Bite" action comes into effect, and in case I manage to create a zombie or two. So obviously, that wouldn't be the best time to be scroll-locked with lazy hatchlings. Let's see if I can keep my fingers from clicking.

Today, I got news of this handy tool. It lets you know if a dragon is inbred or even if the offspring of two given dragons would be inbred. Nice if you are into clean lines, particularly if the lineage is long, although I think this tool only checks up to the twelfth gen at the moment.

And my daughter just caught a Red Dino egg. It will be available in 5 hours, by which time I'll be sleeping, but if you are interested, just leave a comment with your preferred IM and a time to meet. Just remember that I am in the UK (CaveTime + 5). I can use AIM, YIM, Skype or GTalk. Gone to [info]gummiebeer

Clicks preferred )

Back October 23rd, 2009 Forward