Unofficial DragCave Community
.:.::.:.:. .::..::: ..::.:.:.
Back August 30th, 2009 Forward
Guardian of Magic [userpic]

Back from my trip! I got to see my boyfriend and it was a lot of fun! :3 I notice we got some new dragons while I was away. x3

Tunak Tunak Tun )

Mood: awake
miniera [userpic]

Posting late again as I got lots of sleep last night. Two nights in a row plus a nap yesterday! Hubby & I now each have at least one of all the new dragons (not counting the cheese - hubby still needs that one). Now it's just a waiting game for them to grow up so we can go off and gather more eggs. I'm only posting the hatchlings that could use some more help.

in here )

J.J. [userpic]
Daily dragon post - Sunday

Houston, we've got hatchlings! )

Got some new eggs )

Ninja clicks going out on this chilly Sunday!

BRIGHTEST BLESSINGS & GOOD MORNING! My dear dear Dragon Family. I'd like to thank you all for all the love you've shown. *tackles you ALL with hugs and kisses*

Pleaseee pet and show love today. PLEASEEE

Off to pet and show love as far back as I can

Please Pet Me )

Phaeton [userpic]
Sunday Dragons

clicky )

off to click yours

clicks and views .. .  )

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

fodirteg [userpic]

The views are what make the dragons grow, but your clicks help little dragons grow up faster (with fewer views/unique views,) so thank you very much! :D

Dragonlings here ;) )

Sunday's eggs & hatchlings )

My weekend babies: eggies  )

Back August 30th, 2009 Forward