Unofficial DragCave Community
.:.::.:.:. .::..::: ..::.:.:.
Back July 24th, 2009 Forward
miniera [userpic]

A few more hatchlings grew up, a couple more should do so sometime today and that last egg should hatch. Nothing else new and not adding any new eggs.

in here )

She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

Hatchlings and Eggs )

Mood: busy
fodirteg [userpic]

Click here )

J.J. [userpic]

My eggs )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good Morning! Thanks for the clicks and views. I will be clicking as always.

Please visit our babies )

Friday Dragon Post

Woohoo! It's finally Friday!! Time to start the weekend off right with some hatchlings looking for love and clicks!

Grow hatchlings grow!!! )

ladylark [userpic]

babies & eggs... )

wellofdreams [userpic]

This is not when I intended to be posting. But! Visiting with Dad is more important. <3

Clicked back to my last post, in the usual sneaky ninja fashion. Thanks for all your clicks and views, everyone. :)

Mood: pleased

You can't see me, I'm a ninja... :3

Hello wonderful Dragon Family.

My Hatchlings and Eggz )
Thanks once again *{group hug}*

Ouri [userpic]

Have been a click-ninja this morning (except where I actually had something to say, for a change!)

As always, thank you for your help! )

Mood: glad it's Friday!

Friday Finally )

Clicks please.

eggs and hatchlings )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]

Read more... )

clicks and views . . .  )

gommeke [userpic]

sigh )

Mood: depressed
unbroken_halo [userpic]
Friday's Dragons

All scrolls posted with permission. Thanks in advance for the clicks and views!

Eggs and babies )


Even later today because we were out doing local fun stuff in late afternoon/early evening.

Dragons )

today's hatchlings )

Guardian of Magic [userpic]
Datamonster Update

The datamonster was a terrible tragedy for some of us, losing our precious babies that meant so much to us, even some that were in lineages that we enjoyed. Our hearts were broken, thinking they were lost forever.

But! I have wonderful news from TJ, himself! There may be hope yet! He's trying to restore a good majority of them. The data wasn't as damaged as he thought. So in a sense, TJ is giving the Datamonster a huge spanking for being a bad dragon! XD So I'm praying my babies weren't eaten afterall!

I swear I'm starting an Ochredrake Army! )

Mood: anxious
purkledragon [userpic]

let's just count this as early, early Saturday )

Back July 24th, 2009 Forward