Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back July 13th, 2009 Forward
She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

Hatchlings and Eggs )

Mood: nauseated
miniera [userpic]

The hatchings gendered and while we didn't get the two male red striped ones we wanted we did okay. Now all we need to complete hubby's collection is a male red striped dragon. What do you want to bet we chase that for weeks? lol We did grab a couple of new eggs and I'm hoping the black is a standing alt for [info]fodirteg. ::crosses fingers::

in here )

eggs for breakfast

Please, and thank you in advance.

clicks )

fodirteg [userpic]

Clicks, please )

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Monday's dragons

All scrolls and dragons posted with permission. Thank you in advance for the clicks and views. ETA: Thanks to [info]fodirteg I have a Black Alt! Thanks, Sweetie!

The babies )

ladylark [userpic]

alicit [userpic]
New Posting Time

I missed posting last night, so I have decided to try posting in the mornings instead of last thing in the evenings. Let's see how long it lasts.

Clicks preferred )

This one little dude's going in the ER today... Adopt one today!

Thanks in advance, off to ninja-click!

today's post

DC fansite won't let me post for some reason. -_-

the hatchlings and eggs )

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

purkledragon [userpic]

Monday, Monday )


Dragons )

clicks and views . . .  )

Phaeton [userpic]
Monday Dragons

clicky )

eggs & hatchlings )

Back July 13th, 2009 Forward