Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back July 2nd, 2009 Forward
miniera [userpic]
Thursday post

Unfortunatly the blue striped hatchling from [info]alict's son gendered male not female like I wanted. He went off to liive on my brother's scroll who was thrilled as he ony has one white striped so far.

in here )

She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

Okay I got some needed sleep so I should be back to answering posts this morning and later tonight. :D I have ninja clicked from my post yesterday until this post this morning. I want to thank everyone who has clicked on my last entry. It was most appreciated! ♥

The Eggs and the Hatchling )

Mood: restless
Music: watching: Ghost Hunters
fodirteg [userpic]

Extra thanks to those who allow all images to fully load when clicking!

Clicks, please )

sassy_cissa [userpic]

view are great and clicks are love )

ladylark [userpic]

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! I seriously slept in this morning. Thanks for the clicks and views. I will be clicking as always.

Please visit our babies )

ETA - moved this little guy outside the cut - under 2 days and no wings or stripes!

Adopt one today!

Will ninja-click as time allows!

purkledragon [userpic]

same little clutch )


Skipped over yesterday. :p Will be clicking later this evening. (Stealth-clicking complete!)

Dragons )

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

clicks and views . . .  )

Phaeton [userpic]
Thursday Dragons

clicky )

Click click click )

ivy_ella [userpic]

hatchlings and 1 egg )

help out~!

Please click~! ^^;

all of them )

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

alicit [userpic]

Today I am posting a purple dorsal that I am conducting an experiment on. I am aware that she is sick, she has been sick since it was an egg with 6 and a half days to go and hasn't been fogged at all during this time, just look at the amount of views she has: more than any of my grown or frozen dragons.

Anyway, the only change on the other dragonlings is that one of the balloons has hatched.

Grown Summer removed and female! hatchling added

Clicks preferred )

nightly dragons )

Back July 2nd, 2009 Forward