Unofficial DragCave Community
.:.::.:.:. .::..::: ..::.:.:.
Back June 29th, 2009 Forward
She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

Eggs and Hatchies )

Mood: rushed
Music: The sound of thunder
miniera [userpic]
Monday post

I'm starting to get annoyed with our egg/hatchlings taking so long to hatch/gender/grow up. One of hubbys' hatchlings is at 3 days 15 hours and it still hasn't gendered. I could understand if its numbers were low but they aren't: OV 1048 UV 195 clicks 40. Does anyone have any ideas? It doesn't seem to matter if we have high numbers, average numbers or low numbers - everything is just taking forever.

Edit: After doing some more research I think the problem is we're not getting enough unique views. I'll try some different fan sites and see if that helps.

in here )

fodirteg [userpic]

Extra thanks to those who allow all images to fully load when clicking!

Clicks, please )


Yay! IJ is back up. I've got to run to class right now, so I'll click this afternoon.

Dragons )

purkledragon [userpic]

sorry about missing the cut... )

Ninja-clicks going out.

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Monday's Post

*sings* "Monday, Monday" *g* Posting all our scrolls with permission. Thanks in advance for the clicks and views.

The babies and an egg )

Ouri [userpic]

Have ninja-clicked back to my last post.

Hatchling and eggies - clicks appreciated <3 )

So far, three of my four hatched dragons have gendered female. That lucky, lucky balloon male is going to have a harem at this rate. O_o;;

::edited to add another egg, woo::

*group tackle* I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank You! {hugs} an *MWAH* kisses

You saved my hatchlings

I can't thank you enough. *group tackle*

I haz more eggz please pet and show love.

eggz )

Much Thanks and Love Dragon Friends

posting before class )

monday new eggs
clicks and views . . .  )


4 eggs hatched! Now to make them grow! Please click!

hatchlings and eggs )

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

alicit [userpic]

I missed posting yesterday because IJ was down, but I have viewed and clicked every posted dragon.

Clicks preferred )

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

whipping out the ninja clicks, check out the eggs )

Back June 29th, 2009 Forward