Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back June 21st, 2009 Forward
She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

The Arrival of the Summer Solstice )

Mood: swollen jaw
wellofdreams [userpic]

zzzzzzzz )

And it figures that the day I get my act together, something is wrong with the cave. Some hatchlings/eggs were viewable, but I can't click anything - and I'm pretty sure the viewing is just my browser's cache. x.x

Still, I tried and will try again later. *crosses fingers*

Mood: blank
fodirteg [userpic]
Summer Sunday! Happy Solistice (& Happy Father's Day)

Clicks requested )

miniera [userpic]
Sunday post

Posting late due to the cave issues and my laziness. Hubby's sunset still hasn't gendered and it's at 3 days 6 hours!!! I figure it will gender and grow up at the same time meaning we won't be able to trade it off if it genders wrong. Oh well. We'll pick up/bred some summers once we have some room.

in here )

ladylark [userpic]

Ninja-bunnies, movin' out!

ivy_ella [userpic]

new eggs )

early post! )

purkledragon [userpic]

posting a little earlier today as I should be doing homework )

new eggs
clicks and views . . .  )


Dearest Dragon Friends

Thank You ALL so much for your help *HUGS YOU ALL*

My babies are in dire need. Please pet love and send good vibes. I know you'll come through. Protect then as they would protect you!

911 )

*group tackle of hugs and kisses*

gommeke [userpic]

clicks are love )

Back from a short break

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

Back June 21st, 2009 Forward