Unofficial DragCave Community
.:.::.:.:. .::..::: ..::.:.:.
Back June 16th, 2009 Forward

okay i am not posting eggs but i have to ask WTF!!!!! my two brand new silver eggs that i had hidden just suddenly died! 

i thought the whole point to eggs being hidden was to keep them from getting views and so that they wouldn't die.. but mine were still getting views and it was like they were never hidden in the first place. 

i go onto their page now and i can see the dead shell as if they weren't hidden but when i go to actions they are still hidden.

miniera [userpic]
Tuesday post

I'm having a hard time breeding colored stripes, went through a long period where most breedings resulted in no eggs and now I'm getting non-stripe eggs. Oh well, hopefully soon I'll start getting colored stripes again.

in here )

She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

Eggs and Hatchies )

Mood: sleepy
Music: The Flame .:. Cheap Trick
fodirteg [userpic]

Clicks requested )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! Thanks for the clicks and views. I will be clicking as always.

Please visit our babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

Missed a day again. :P But I was so tired, and I figured the little one would be okay.

Clicking back to my last post is finished. Thanks for all your clicks and views, everyone. <3

Mood: sleepy
ladylark [userpic]

Ninjas, away!

Guardian of Magic [userpic]

Male vibes to this guardian, please? and ninja clicking...

My gold has an epic win name! )

Mood: anxious

-sigh-  )

gommeke [userpic]

and then it was tuesday again )

clicks and views...  )

Phaeton [userpic]
Tuesday Dragons

clicky )

ceria [userpic]

Read more... )

tuesday eggs. )

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

alicit [userpic]

Same little guys again. I am still looking for Autumn Starts, so if any of you can breed me some I would be really grateful. Right now I have two eggs and a hatchling up to trade for them, but if you'd rather have something else in exchange, I'll try to find it for you.

Up for trade:

The Autumn Start hatchling (female) from my scroll, the Gold Dorkface (12th gen) from my son's scroll and also a Geode egg from my daughter's greens. The Gold Dorkface egg is also descended from Red Sox and Rosesagae's Knight and Monafel. No inbreeding in any of them.

Clicks preferred )

Back June 16th, 2009 Forward