Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back June 1st, 2009 Forward
She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

Hatchlings and Eggs Galore )

Mood: restless
fodirteg [userpic]
Monday's dragonlings

Littles & thoughts behind cut )

sassy_cissa [userpic]

views are great and clicks are love )

purkledragon [userpic]

Happy 1st day of Hurricane Season! )

ladylark [userpic]

Mood: rushed

Thanks in advance for clicks and views! Off to ninja now. :3

Urgh! I have been sucking at keeping my dragons lately. Once again, most of them are under the 3 day mark, so I have not put them behind the cut. Once I've seen that they have hatched, they'll go behind the cut.

Adopt one today! (be a sunrise or you're going to the abandoned page!)
Adopt one today!

ETA: OneTwo have been saved! YAY! *squishes everyone* They're now under the cut.

now my others. )

Thank you guys for everything!

Phaeton [userpic]

The pink gendered female and I wanted to abandon it. But it wasn't possible because "it chewed the rope and started to follow me". I tried it three times. Any one of you know how to abandon it anyway?

clicky )

Monday Post


Help them hatch and grow! Thanks guys! :D

hatchling and eggs )

FINALLY got a damn male two headed and a silver!

gommeke [userpic]

clicky? )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! Thanks for the clicks and views. I will be clicking as always.

Please visit our babies )

Manic Monday

Moving back to an evening time so that I'll actually be better at remembering to post!

Dragons )

Monday Memories

Four hatchlings )

And clickety I go; thanks to everyone for clicks and/or views.

clicks and views ..  )

How ya dooooin? )

Thanks for your clicks!
I'll click everything posted with today's date.

Such irregular posting )

I've been so inconsistent. I hope I can fix that

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

alicit [userpic]
Grumble, grumble...

I am getting really fed up with my internet provider. The alt vine hatched male, so I was trading it for a female alt black. The transfer of the vine went ok, but when we were transferring the black, my net had some kind of hiccup and the hatchling was lost. Now it is sitting in a scroll next to two deliberately killed eggs and one egg with no clicks. I know that transfers are risky, and I understand that some people in the AP are really fast, but why, oh why did my net have to go funny right then? </rant>

Clicks preferred )

Back June 1st, 2009 Forward