Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back March 14th, 2009 Forward
darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

Hatchling and Eggs )

wee hours of Saturday

Once again, I wound up so busy, I didn't get these up for Saturday, so I'll post either extremely late, or extremely early. Ha.

Also, please note the offers below on the gold hatchling and geode egg. [info]miniera and I worked out trades and did 4 for 4 successfully! Whee!

dragons )

miniera [userpic]
Saturday post

I have clicked back to yesterday's post, will click off and on today. Thanks in advance for any clicks/views.

in here )

fodirteg [userpic]
Yay! Saturday!

Clicks are requested, please )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking usual. Have a great weekend!

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

Ugh. So worn out yesterday I forgot entirely. -.- Little ones don't seem to have suffered, though.

Clicked and/or viewed back to my last post - I left it to views when I recognized I was seeing posts I'd already clicked. @.@ Thanks to all my fellow viewers and clickers. :)

Mood: sleepy
Phaeton [userpic]
Saturday Dragons

Two geodes and some gender lotto, again. )

ceria [userpic]

Have I really not posted?
Read more... )

teamromy [userpic]
New here with eggs and a question

Got addicted to clicking other people's eggs and it has lead me to have my own.

My question is this: When looking through eggs to steal, are all the white eggs the same kind of dragon or are they like a grab bag (you don't know what you'll get)? Is there a way to tell what you will end up with or is it all pretty random? (Sorry, newbie!)

sassy_cissa [userpic]

clicking back to catch up...

Thanks for the clicks and the views )

Lio [userpic]

My husband decided to keep the winter he bred since mine both went male for me. Which was perfect because I had a chance to pick up my very first CB silver this morning! :D I'm planning to start a legacy with it, so hopefully it will like to breed when it grows up. And my mint dragon produced a little mint egg for me too.

Thanks in advance for all your clicks and views!

Saturday's bebes )

Saturday spams

We've got hatchlings and one stubborn egg now:

And then my sweetie decided to get in on the egg thing...and then adopted a few more for me. :3

Off to stealth-click!

Saturday dragons

PJ's (mostly) MPreg cave )

weekend ...  )

gommeke [userpic]

saturday clicks )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Clicks. )

Mood: tired
alicit [userpic]

Well, my winters seem to be growing nicely, and I have traded the gold hatchling for a winter egg with autumn parents. I am posting it with mine, but it is sitting on my son's scroll because mine was still locked then. I also got an IOU for another one (with two summer grandparents, yay!) in exchange for a geode that I bred this morning; hopefully I'll get it tomorrow. The silver egg should hatch in 1 or 2 days and if there is a St. Patrick's day dragon I might drop the black egg.

Clicks preferred )

She Who Destroys The Light [userpic]

These should have gone up this morning but I was exhausted. Long, long week.

Thank you all! )

Mood: drained
purkledragon [userpic]

how did I lose a day? )

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Saturday's post

Just curious as I have been checking the forums but haven't seen an announcement yet. Does anyone know when the Seasonal eggs turn to Spring eggs? I figured it may be soon and yet don't want to get my hopes up for them and St. Paddy day eggs too. Anyway, thanks in advance for the views and clicks!

The dragons )

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