Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back February 5th, 2009 Forward

2 eggs! Getting close! PLEASE CLICK! )

Mood: worried
miniera [userpic]
Thursday post

Stealth clicked back to my last post, will click again tonight. Thanks in advance for any clicks/views.

in here )

fodirteg [userpic]
Back to preferred time of day :)

Clicks are requested, please )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking throughout the day and evening.

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

At least the silver is. ^^ The gold gendered (boy) and is safely frozen. Two more days before I can try again. <3

Clicked back to my last post, and thanks to all my fellow viewers and clickers. ^^ Goodnight everyone. zzzzz

Mood: exhausted

Yay, my day off )

PS - Hi to everyone from LJ!!

Mx. Andi Kalson [userpic]

My Gold grew up! Now I have to figure out what to name him...

Dragonlings! )

Stealth clicking everyone, as usual.

post for February 5th )

clicks plaese ... )

gommeke [userpic]

feeding time )

So, uh, trying to figure out which college to go to still... Can anyone tell me anything about CSU Monterey Bay or San Fransisco State? *must not panic, must not panic*

If only everything was as easy as raising dragons )

In other news, my brain keeps wanting me to write a crossover between Jak and Daxter and FF7.... I'm not taking drugs I swear! Although, maybe I should be.....


I'm way late today. Ninja clicking again today back to yesterday.

dragons )

mysteryimp [userpic]
One little egg

Second breeding of my gold gave me two mints. I've decided to keep one in hopes it turns out female. :) The hunt for the elusive female mint continues! Click or view the lonely little fella!

Thanks for all the clicks and/or views! )

I've been doing some random breeding if anyone is looking for splits or silvers or blacks or...well, anything I have just let me know and if I get one I'm happy to share here rather than send them to the ap.

alicit [userpic]
The waiting game

Both the dino and black eggs are under 3 days 12 hours, so they could hatch any moment now (although my eggs tend to hatch around the three day mark, not low enough to get worried but enough to get a bit annoyed at them). The white hatchling could also grow up some time today, but it still has a few more hours at least.

Clicks preferred. )

PJ's (mostly) MPreg cave )

Mana [userpic]

Clicked back 24hr. Thanks in advance for clicks and views!

dragons & eggs )

cozzybob [userpic]
*pets eggies*

Lots of stealth clicks! I need help, because I don't have much time left, and with work, I haven't had time to spread the clicking either. Waaaaaaaaaah! Poor eggies. They should pay you to breed dragons! :D

Poor wittle eggies! )

Is it really Thursday?

Hello everybody!

Here are my little ones......please click and view! Thank you!!!!

some more grandchildren )

Lost the last several days...somehow. DonĀ“t know how? ;-)

Clicked and viewed several pages back!

Mood: surprised
sg [userpic]

two egglets )

now there's blood, how vexing [userpic]

eggletina )

*meanders clickily away*

Thursday I don't care about you )

clicked back to my last post! Have a good night all

darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

Oh, my. )

Back February 5th, 2009 Forward