Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back January 29th, 2009 Forward
Buxom Fish From Space [userpic]
Wednesday 1/28

My critters )

My mom's )

Non-LJ/IJ friend's )

Stealth clicking back to my last post. Thanks to all the clickers here!

miniera [userpic]
Thursday post

Stealth clicked back to last post. Will try to click tonight, if not, will catch up Friday morning. Thanks in advance for any clicks/views.

in here )

sassy_cissa [userpic]
Thursday Post=

Catching up, slowly.

thanks in advance for the clicks and views )

post for January 29 )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! Josh has two silver eggs. One for [info]kitty_poker, and one for [info]cat_goddess. He'll hold the eggs until you have room for them. Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking throughout the day and evening.

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

Clicking back to my last post, achieved! Thanks for all the clicks and views everyone. ^^ gold is going to taunt me by taking forever to grow up, huh? But then. I remember the silver doing the same thing when I caught her, so.

Maybe metals just have a little cruel streak? The joke is on it, because I don't care! I can outlast it. :) and hopefully not spontaneously combust or anything

ETA: So I just went poking my AP eggs to see their lineages (because I am bored and sleepy, normally I don't care so much about it) and I found this most awesome scroll featuring such names as: This One, Nothing Happens, I'm Orange (bet you can't guess what kind of dragon), and Princess Snugglebot. I have no clue why this is so, so funny but it is. Go look and be amused!

Mood: curious

Ah, I love me my Golden Girls, they are so good to me! ^_________^

My little brood )

Thanks for the clicks!

sg [userpic]

one egg )

new hatchlings! :D

Thanks to all of your clicks, they've all just hatched! Thank you thank you! :D

(off to stealth click)

Read more... )


And I Thought It Was Friday )


I have been and will be stealth-clicking yet again today (tomorrow is back to comments). Thanks, as always, for all clicks and/or views!

dragons )

A depressed super nerd. [userpic]

Under here )

Thanks for the clicks. Off to click like a ninja does.

Mx. Andi Kalson [userpic]

Dragonlings! )

Stealth clicking everyone, as usual.

Thursday Draggies! )

Thanks in advance; have been clicking like a ninja!

Thursday's post )

clicked plaese ... )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Clicks. )

Mood: tired
gommeke [userpic]

the weekend is lurking closer )

edited to add succesfull transfer :-)

mysteryimp [userpic]

Finally managed a successful transfer with [info]gommeke. Yay for that! :) I'm done with the alt lotto now. Time to give other people a chance! Click or view as you prefer.

Thanks for all the clicks/views. )

alicit [userpic]

I have frozen the paper hatchling. Apparently they don't have genders any more. The gold egg has hatched and I got an orange egg from the abandoned page, I hope this one is a boy.

Please, click. )

Ninotsjka Bloom [userpic]

on to the draggies )

Nathalie's dragons )

Off to stealth click!

delilahdraken [userpic]
My post of the day...

the little ones )

By the way, has anybody else the problem that Semagic won't post to this comm, and this comm alone?

There's a hero in us all. )

my eggs and hatchlings )

Noticed the comm from recent activity section, came to see what it was all about, clicked several entries to check out the many dragons, eggs and hatchlings and ended up with eggs of my own~

My Trio of Eggs I adopted )

Mood: productive

Its good to be back )

I have stealth clicked tonight, and now I am off to bed.

Mana [userpic]

Clicked back to my last post. :D Thanks in advance!

clicks/views appreciated! )


2 eggs that are just about there! Thank you for your help! )

Mood: energetic
unbroken_halo [userpic]
Thursday Post

Thanks in advance for the clicks/views! Am still trying to catch up but will eventually make it back to my last post on clicks.

Eggs and hatchlings )

a mermaid escapist. [userpic]

4 eggs! )

darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

Back January 29th, 2009 Forward