Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back January 21st, 2009 Forward

Eggs and hatchies under here! )

Thanks in advance for any views!

miniera [userpic]
Wednesday post

Back to work today so back to stealth clicking. I have clicked everything since my last post, thanks in advance for any clicks and/or views.

in here )

lune de lumière [userpic]
A click for mi single baby!

Read more... )

Mood: silly
sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! Whew, I transferred the gold egg successfully to [info]gommeke. It went off without a hitch. Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking throughout the day and evening.

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

Clicked back to my last post. Still exhausted from staying up yesterday, yikes. x.x

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Wed Post

Clicked back to my last post. Thanks in advance for the clicks and views!

An entire clan of dragons! )

Mana [userpic]

Ninja-clicked back 24hrs, since I didn't make a post yesterday. Thanks for clicks and views!
Edit: All 4 grew up and I adopted 4 more eggs.

hatchling & eggs )

Kit - a wolfish cat [userpic]

Posting the dragonlings for a little TLC :)

The Leander Cave )

I'll be ninja clicking :)

Thank you! Have a great day :D

One dragon with 1 day 22 hours left. The other two Winters grew up and were both female, so I released one. Hopefully this one is male (and it survives!). Not cut since its sort of.. dying. Yeah I know, I should post in the ER.

Adopt one today!


Well, I got back (and settled) SO late last night, I decided to just wait till this morning to post.

Also, I am looking for a bred gold, but as I already have 2 golds (1 caveborn and 1 bred), I'm more than happy to wait in line so that people with none or only 1 get them first. I'm not sure anybody with that many golds would need silvers, but I'd be more than willing to trade a bred silver for it. I have a red-silver pair who [almost] always give me at least one silver egg; both are bred w/ a good lineage.

dragons )

alicit [userpic]
All in a day's work

Not a bad day yesterday, not at all. I got an alt black and then an alt vine from my eggies. :-) The blue egg hatched as well and I got a new black egg and bred a mint (hoping for female there).

Please, click. )

Howdy all! How is everyone is this lovely new era? I've got babies and I'm happy, how 'bout you?

These lovely eggs! )

Yep, three ice babies, please click all three. Thank you all so much!


Yay! )

please click! )

sg [userpic]

normal time )

a mermaid escapist. [userpic]

Hey, guys! I've finally figured out how these dragons work, haha. I'm so slow. Sadly I think it might be too late for some of these eggs Thanks for all your help! I'd love some clicks and to return the favor!

eggs! )

Wednesday dragons

Posting a small selection 'cos the rest don't need anything except time.

PJ's (mostly) MPreg fandom cave )
Dragonbrood, a community where eggs are traded and given away.

your songs remind me of swimming. [userpic]

I'm rather inept at this dragon business, but would appreciate the clicks -- and will most certainly return the favour. Thankyou!

Eggs & Hatchlings! )

clicked plaese ... )

gommeke [userpic]

middle of the week post )

Wednesday post )

mysteryimp [userpic]
And onward goes the week to Wednesday

Hatchling is no longer sick, but he needs nothing but time to grow up so I am leaving him be. The same three eggs as yesterday (come on lotto, gimme one more to try for a transfer!) plus the eggs of a friend whose RL has sucked her away from egg tending duties. If you'd rather view than click feel free.

Thanks for all the clicks and views! )

My friend's eggs. Thanks for helping! )

kitty_poker [userpic]
Wednesday Post

The stone went from first crack to hatchling in less than 12 hours. Speedy! The gold and dino, otoh, are taking their own sweet time - not a crack yet and 4 days to go. Oh well, I'm sure they'll catch up.

Two hatchlings, two eggs )

ladyphoenix9 [userpic]
Here's the story

Of a lovely lady, bringing up six dragons on her own. )

I think I got everyone. Wow, it's good to be home, even if that means no more 6 AM egg-clicking for me. ^_^

twisttofit [userpic]

Today's dragon post )
Off to click like ninja!

fodirteg [userpic]
Very late post, very loooonnng day...

Clicks are requested, please )

ceria [userpic]

Thanks for the clicks and/or views.
Read more... )

sassy_cissa [userpic]
Work is really interferring with my dragon time

Several of these guys need some serious help.

please click )

Some nice clicks please

Hello everybody!

Here are my little ones.....
Young Dragons and Eggs right here! )

Does anybody knows if the Dragon Cave Fansite - emergency unit has any problems? I tried to post some of my hatchlings...only left one day, but got always the info that the babies are no emergency-cases because they have more than three days left.

Clicked back as always...thanks to you all!

for clicks~

Will be ninja-clicking back to my last post! :) Thanks, guys! :D

eggs galore )


whitestar [userpic]
Wednesday Post

Please clicky on the little guys, I'll stealth click after I post this. Thanks! :)

thanks for the clicks :)

darlingfox [userpic]

today's eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views! *continues ninja-clicking*

Let the jelly beans bounce. )

Back January 21st, 2009 Forward