Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back January 18th, 2009 Forward
lune de lumière [userpic]
Need some clicks, please.

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Mood: lonely
miniera [userpic]
Sunday post

Clicked everything since my last post, will click off and on today. Thanks in advance for any clicks.

in here )

ladyphoenix9 [userpic]

The alt lotto, my new way to gamble. )

Clicked everyone last night; I plan to do the same today. :)

alicit [userpic]

I am fresh out of hatchlings! I bred my two golds yesterday and I got two winters and one black. I abandoned the winters, but I am keeping the black just in case.

Here they are: )

And Early Today

It's my one post a day, to get me back on my regular schedule.Click It )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! I bred some of my gold dragons yesterday and managed to get three gold eggs out of it; not as many as I expected. I've got two gold dragons to breed today, and I hope they give me a gold egg each. I transfered one gold egg successfully, but lost one in transfer. Fortunately, my friend Lisa gave me a gold egg to replace the lost one and I transfered that one without incident. I have one more gold egg on hold at the moment. I still owe two more people gold eggs. If I don't get them today, I can breed more golds in a couple of days. Holly also bred her gold dragons and she got three gold eggs as well. All in all, the breeding didn't go too badly.

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

Have clicked back to my last post. Misplaced brain sometime during, please let me know if you find it? zzzzzz

Mood: exhausted
fodirteg [userpic]
Sunday in the park with, um, Dragons?

Clicks are requested, please )

Probably wont post these guys again 'til Wednesday; lol school. )

Sunday's post )

Sunday dragons

PJ's (mostly) MPreg fandom cave )
Dragonbrood, a community where eggs are traded and given away.


dragons )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Clicks. )

Mood: crappy
gommeke [userpic]

and around came sunday )

clicked plaese ... )

Cal [userpic] easy to lose track of time on the weekend! I have finally clicked back through the last 24 hours of posts, so here are my dragons for tonight:

three eggs, one hatchling )

mysteryimp [userpic]

Well, shoot. Had an alt and it got lost in transfer. I don't seem to have much transfer luck these days. Hoping one of there hatches alt so I can try again. Feel free to only view if you'd rather.

Thanks for all the clicks and/or views! )

First post here.

please click on my hatchlings )

Sunday dragonlings

Hello everybody,

hope everybody have had a good weekend. Here it´s cold and a lot of rain around ....

So some sunny draggies

young dragons and eggies please click here ;-) )

Clicked back to my last post....

Thanks for your lovely clicks and views!

ceria [userpic]

Thank you so much for the clicks and/or views.
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delilahdraken [userpic]
My post of the day...

the little ones )

sg [userpic]
Modly Reminders

This list is now on our profile page:

additional sites
making eggs unclickable
For eggs with 3 days or less
er on ij
dragon cave fansite er for eggs/hatchlings with 3 days or less.
DragonBrood egg trading/giving away comm
Dragoncave Lost comm for lost in transfer posts
Dragon Sitters name's self-explanatory

If you have additional sites to add to it, please post them here.
Also, due to changes in hatching and maturing times, the Dragon Er's on both LJ and IJ now allow eggs with 3 days or less to be posted in their communities.

This asylum may be changing/updating the rules to make allowances for the changes at the forum.

Sunday night )

Thanks for the clicks. Clicked back to my last post!

A depressed super nerd. [userpic]
Sunday Dragons!

Under here )

sg [userpic]

posting late )

late post~

Thanks in advance for the clicks!

the eggs )

view my other dragons here! :D

Ninotsjka Bloom [userpic]

3 eggs, 3 hatchlings )

Nathalie's dragons )

Off to stealth click!

darlingfox [userpic]

today's eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views! I'll be stealth clicking as usual.

lune de lumière [userpic]
A click for my single baby?

Read more... )

Mood: nostalgic
Back January 18th, 2009 Forward