Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back January 13th, 2009 Forward
lune de lumière [userpic]
Please, my first breed egg need some clicks!

Read more... )

Mood: flirty
Fox [userpic]
Just four for me.

Here be eggies! )

red_day_dawning [userpic]
Today's dragons...

If you'd prefer to 'view' the eggs and hatchlings rather than 'click', feel free.
Read more... )

miniera [userpic]
Tuesday post

Have clicked everything back to my last post. Thanks in advance for any clicks or views.

in here )

Early uesday

It's Cold Here )

fodirteg [userpic]
Tuesday's batch

Clicks requested )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good Morning! Most of Holly's hatchlings matured during the night. I guess she'll be hanging out in the abandoned cave all afternoon. Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking throughout the day and evening.

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

Clicked back to my last post. Stealth clicking will continue in the evening, which is my morning. Night shift wins for confusing? It's always morning somewhere though.

1 frozen hatchling still in need of wings! :D Thanks everyone for helping my green get her wings. (Frozen hatchlings = made of cute)

Failed attempts to grab a gold today: 2
Failed attempts to grab a paper in the hopes that someone would trade me that for a gold: 4. XD

Mood: amused
shannon730 [userpic]

Read more... )

wolfiefics [userpic]
It's that kinda week already!

I'm such a slacker. Unemployed once more, job hunting, trying to get rid of old car that doesn't run, sick cat, and other real life mayhem has caused havoc with my dragonlings. Here's my post and I will be stealth clicking while I wait for the salvage folks to come pick up my poor vehicle. (sniffs) Gonna miss that car.

In dragon news...should have all the standards, now it's time to go for the alts. HA!

Click zee dragons )

Mood: busy
unbroken_halo [userpic]
Tuesday's Dragons

Turned the girls loose in the cave last night. They had a blast hunting for new eggs and naming their dragons. Learned how to breed them as well. I have created monsters. *headdesks* So now we have a whole new set of nests to post. Thanks in advance for the clicks! They are greatly appreciated!

An entire clutch of dragons! )

Mana [userpic]

Eighth through Eleventh Doctors have grown up. Thanks! I've adopted some new eggs, though. :D ETA: Bred two Doctors for one more egg. :)

one hatchling, four eggs )

記憶したか? [userpic]

2. )

Am I going crazy? When my split hatched, it had a dark blue head and a light blue head, but then when it grew wings, it became a solid light blue and now it's an adult, and it's a solid light blue. I wonder if it's a error since they got the new server..? Has this happened to anyone else?

Mood: annoyed

I have been stealth clicking as this is my loooong teaching day. Thanks to all for the comments on your experiences with golds. We bred kidlet's yesterday with no luck (for golds) and I'll try mine again tomorrow. (Fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed ... ha)

dragons )

Meet my dragons.
Thanks in advance for clicks.

Here )
Link to my scroll:

Now to do my daily stealth clicks.

kati: a vicious crime of bodily theft [userpic]

I've been trying for ages to get one of these winter eggs, and finally I get two on the same day. Well, no complaints.

Four eggs )

Thanks in advance!

Tuesday's eggs )

Tuesday dragons

PJ's (mostly) MPreg fandom cave )
Dragonbrood, a community where eggs are traded and given away.

gommeke [userpic]

growing up means lots of clicks )

clicked plaese ... )

Cal [userpic]
is it still only tuesday?

Whew, this is going to be a long week. ^^;

three eggs )

sg [userpic]

Tuesday Post )

Dragons )

twisttofit [userpic]
I have issues...

here there be dragons! )
Off to click!

EDIT: Muwhaha got someone else addicted. )

Ninotsjka Bloom [userpic]

3 eggs, 3 hatchlings )

Nathalie's dragons )

Off to stealth click!

kitty_poker [userpic]
Tuesday Post

Two hatchlings, two eggs )
My scroll

ceria [userpic]

Thanks for the clicks and/or views!
Read more... )

delilahdraken [userpic]
My post of the day...

the eggs )

alicit [userpic]

The black eggs have hatched and so has the skywing. I hope my black is a male, I really do not need another female. The white frozen hatchling has finally got his wings, so only the magi hatchling is still frozen and waiting. Again, I have added a couple of eggs to my clutch.

ETA: The silver grew up so I removed it from the post for easier clicking.

Here they are: )

darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

my dragon nest... )

Thanks for clicking. I clicked between posts.

A depressed super nerd. [userpic]
Tuesday Dragons

11 hours to go! Grow hatchlings! Grow!

Under here )

Thanks for the clicks. Off to click like a ninja does.

Back January 13th, 2009 Forward