Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back January 5th, 2009 Forward
Long Time No Eggs!

Just Two )

I hope everyone had a great Hanukkah/Muharram/Christmas/Yule/etc and a great start to 2009 too! Thank you to all of those who liked my dragons over the holiday period while I was at my parents, it is very much appreciated!

I am stealth clicking those posts from today- sorry again for such a long absence!

miniera [userpic]
Monday post

Have clicked everything since my last post. Will stealth click again tonight. Back to work so won't be commenting. Thanks in advance for any clicks/views.

in here )

fodirteg [userpic]

EDIT: Thanks, all. I'm trying something different: these posted eggs/hatchlings are now unclickable, as I've now posted for Tuesday, so feel free to skip ahead.
Monday's post )

Early Monday

'Cause I'm at work . . . Critters )
Thanks for the clicks, I'll be doing that off & on all day!

Mana [userpic]

Thanks to all in advance. Ninja-clicking/viewing/refreshing. Clicks or views appreciated. =D

hatchlings & eggs )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Good morning! It's the start of another week. I can't wait until Friday gets here. My gold dragons were very cooperative last week. I hope they keep it up. Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking throughout the day and evening.

Please click my babies )

wellofdreams [userpic]

I forgot to post yesterday, but all the dragons seem fine. My Christmas grew up! <3

Some steath clicking has been accomplished, the rest will be done when I wake up. Goodnight all! ^^

Mood: sleepy

Monday Dragons )

Fox [userpic]
My dragons ...

... please to click 'em. )

Cal [userpic]
first post in a while!

Whew. Just got through clicking back a couple of pages, and now posting here for the first time in, er...a long time! ^^;

hatchling and eggs )

Read more... )

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Monday's Post

All but one of our Christmas Dragons have grown up and the other eggs are cutting it close to the wire. I'll be posting them on the ER as well this evening to make certain they hatch on time. Thank you in advance for the clicks and views!

Posting the brood with permission )

alicit [userpic]

Here we are again. I got the green egg by mistake from the AP but I think I'll keep it. The las winter hatchling gendered male YAY! and has grown up.

Here they are: )

sockmonkey [userpic]

Today's post! I'm going to ninja-click throughout the night! Thank you SO MUCH!

Cause the only thing that seems to work at all is you )

gommeke [userpic]

Monday )

clicked plaese ... )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Clicks. )

Mood: frustrated
Monday dragons

Feel free to just open the post to give the dragonlets your UV without clicking any of them.

I've posted the announcement with pairs I'm be breeding this week and their family trees here (which is a nice trading comm to keep an eye on anyway). Check it if you want some high-gen commons or silvers. I'll be striking out the pairs that I've bred and where I've given away the eggs.

PJ's (mostly) MPreg fandom cave )

Monday post

Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for the answers! Yes, that made def. sense. I picked first one Grandchild and than two others from ther cage....yup....understood :-)))))

My little ones need some more love. Will Return the favor as always with not many comments.

childs and some beautiful eggs )

Thank you so much for all your views and clicks.

Have a good day/evening/night!

kitty_poker [userpic]
Monday Post

No time to comment tonight, but everyone has or will be clicked and/or viewed. Hope you're all having a good day. :)

Two hatchlings, two eggs )

mysteryimp [userpic]
Monday and basically on time.

Hatchlings and one egg grabbed from the AP. Will be nabbing some more blacks off there when I can. Females will likely find themselves frozen upon discovery of gender so if you notice one is yours and would rather I did not just let me know. :) Males will be kept as I always need more males. Alts will be up for grabs by people on the comm as I have one and am content with that for now.

Thanks for the clicks and views! )

Now to click back to where I stopped yesterday. :)

ceria [userpic]

Dragon eggs!
Read more... )

Monday you can fall apart )

Sorry about missing Sat and Sun. Real life got in the way. I have clicked all posts for Monday!

Have a good week everyone who went back to work or school!

whitestar [userpic]
Monday Night's Post

Here are the little ones that need your attention to grow up. Please click and view and I will get to clicking posts this evening. Thanks! :)

thanks for the clicks :)


I have clicked (but not commented) all the way back to my post yesterday. I've been working on syllabi for spring semester instead. Ha. :-)

dragons )


Eggs & Hatchlings )

delilahdraken [userpic]
My post of the day...

the hatchlings )

red_day_dawning [userpic]
Today's dragons...

Read more... )

darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

A flying worm with wings. )

ladyphoenix9 [userpic]
I can't believe it!

Read more... )

Been clicking...think I hit some of you twice. Oops. -_-;;;

Back January 5th, 2009 Forward