Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back October 22nd, 2008 Forward
Arabian Princess [userpic]
eggies update

Read more... )

Off to ninja-click!

Mx. Andi Kalson [userpic]

Woo Hoo! My eggs hatched! They were at the 3.5 mark and I kinda had to push for it, but they hatched just fine.

4 hatchlings and 3 eggs! )

Ninja clicking to my previous post.
Thanks for all the clicks!

Fox [userpic]
1 hatchling, 2 eggs.

Right here! )

4 Hatchlings and 3 Eggies )

Off to ninja-click!

Daily post - Wednesday

Hello to all and happy Wednesday! Halfway through the week! Here I am with my happy little bunch and I am off to do some clicking. Have a great day!

Dragon clickables here )

Mood: energetic
Titti [userpic]
Wednesday's Post

Wednesday's Post )

karibean [userpic]

Two hatchlings, and an abandoned egg I picked up that desperately needs hatching! Only a day and a little bit to go for the poor thing.

2+1 )

Now if only I could convince my green dragon to actually *breed*. He doesn't seem all that interested, lol. (He's turned down both the breeding attempts - one outright refusal, and one not that interested.)

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

My eggs always seem to hatch in the middle of the night. I woke up this morning and found two new hatchlings. I bred a mint egg last night. It's so cute. Thanks for the clicks! I will be clicking yours as always.

Please click my babies )

Jean C Pepper [userpic]

1 hatchling, 4 eggs today )

location: Home
Mood: hungry
Music: croupier

My grandchild please click please click my grandbaby and others )

I want to thank every one for theit love and clicks, but more important your well wishes. I'll click for a while then I'm crawling back under the covers. *sprays Lysol then hugs you all*

Just a really quick post before work:

4 Hatchlings, 1 Egg )

1 Frozen Hatchling (wingless), 3 eggs, 1 alt vine egg!

maerchen_mond [userpic]
Wednesday post

my babies :o) )

my scroll

I'll be ninja clicking off and on all day today, as always. :D

Clicky love! )

Thanks all!

Phaeton [userpic]
New Eggs!

YAY! Two more hatchlings turned out male. The female water dragon got adopted and I got myself a fresh set of eggs. *g*

tadaaaah )

fodirteg [userpic]

~~ Dragonses ~~  )

Dester'tale [userpic]

Hatchlings need some Red Bull! ^_^ )

Thanks so much! ((hugs)) I'm back to stealth clicking.

Mood: silly
Rebellious Jezebel [userpic]

My second brood, including some breeding! )

mysteryimp [userpic]
A little late

Network issues kept me from posting near my usual time. I picked up another split in hopes of getting what I want. Trying to keep my number of eggs/hatchlings low right now since rl is super busy at the moment.

Thanks as always for all the views/clicks towards the little fellows. :)

Eggs ahoy! )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Forget to post yesterday.

Clicks and puppy licks!! )

Mood: creative
Music: Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
The Love Below [userpic]

I missed yesterday. So here's today's post. Will be clicking in between photoshop tutorials.

My brood )

These eggs posted with permission )

First Post... here


I've only been doing this for a little while, and I've been posting over at the LJ comm, but I thought I'd come check this place out and spread some clicks around here.

The Brood and My Scroll )

Wednesday dragons

PJ's dragons )

cozzybob [userpic]

Doing a lot of ninja clicking!

Other eggs. )

Edit: Doh! Sorry about the cut! *slaps self*

ladyphoenix9 [userpic]

Whoo! When I checked today, two of my hatchlings have sprouted wings, so they've been named. The other one is just a little slow... And, of course, I picked up a new egg today so my life won't get boring once these guys mature. So far, I must still have good ratios even on the ones with 2000+ views, so keep your fingers crossed that I can get my first clutch of eggs into adulthood without sickness or death.

Three hatchlings and an egg. )

Edit: Oops, couldn't resist when I saw a Skywing pop up. One more egg! )

I've kept up on my clicks, though I rarely comment. I'll be clicking at home shortly! :)

kitty_poker [userpic]
Wednesday Post

It's that time again. My eggs are now hatchlings. They grew up when I took my eye off them for a minute. *g* I'm off on hols soon (a friend is dragon sitting for the week) so I'd like to get these little ones well on the road to being grown up before leaving. *huggles*

Clicked everything from my last post, as always, and had some highly entertaining chats on the way.

Four hatchlings )

my scroll

Quick post before I go to work. I clicked a bunch this morning before I went to bed, I'll click more in the morning. :)

Give 'em hugs... )

Wednesday Evening

take a look under the cut )

Thanks for clicking. I'll be back this evening to return the favor.

Wednesday's Mostly Eggs

Posting the brood a wee bit earlier today:

Huggle the Brood? )

My scroll.

ETA: Omg, I rescued this fog egg with just about two days to go, and I'd love for it to live?
Help it out? )

Off to click yours now.

Mew )

thanks for the clicks

stealth clicking

Ninotsjka Bloom [userpic]

My vine grew up, my red one hatched. Now lets hatch the rest. Send male vibes to the red and female vibes to the orange.

1 hatchling & 4 eggs )

Off to click!

alicit [userpic]
I got a paper egg! I got a paper egg!

My three hatchlings are doing fine and I am waiting for the red egg to show some cracks (it is still a bit early), but the big news is: I got a PAPER egg! On other news, my son's two eggs have big holes on them and the vine is sitting pretty. Oh, and did I mention I got a paper egg?

Here, have look: )

Thank you all!

My little grey egg has a crack, thanks to you guys! Since he or she is doing so well, I figured I'd get him a brother or sister!

two li'l eggs under the cut! )

Tonight I am in a stealthclick frenzy, so don't feel bad if I don't comment, but my clicks, they are yours. :D

sg [userpic]

two little dragons ) ninja clicks for everyone

whitestar [userpic]
Wednesday's Evening Post

Here's my daily dragon post. If you could please give extra attention to the the Grey Fog Hatchling. He's being very stubborn about growing up. Thanks! :)

I've gone through almost all postings back to my yesterday's post. Only a few more to do :)



thanks for maturing my male vine.....he is great. Now only my skywing is left....please look after him.....

My Next Pet! )

Wednesday Post

Will be stealth clicking until Ghost Hunters comes on.

Rub My Eggs For Good Luck! )

Shadow Souls [userpic]
I'm not dead

Sorry I haven't really been around. I've been busy and now I'm trying to recover from midterms. *laughs* However, I've clicked all of the posts so far today. My eyes are starting to hurt, so I should probably take a break from the computer after posting this.

One lonely egg )

Daily Post - Wednesday

Mood: geeky
Music: island in the sun | weezer
wolfiefics [userpic]
Wolfie's Wed. Evening Post

Rescued one that has only 2 3 (I swear it said two when I saw it on the abandon page!) and some change to hatch. If anyone's part of the ER group, you have permission to link to it!!

Save a dragon, Use a Mouse Click! )

Mood: determined
the_con_cept [userpic]
Clicks, please!

Please help Coconut Ice grow up and help the eggs to hatch!Read more... )

red_day_dawning [userpic]
They're taking so long...

WAKE UP AND MATURE!!!... please.

*sigh* Here they are... please give them some love and encourage them to grow!

Read more... )

My Scroll

Thank you to all you lovely clickers! I'm hoping the new icons might inspire them to grow...

are you going 'round the twist? [userpic]
a little help, if you please :D

I think this is becoming a bit of an obsession )

Back October 22nd, 2008 Forward