Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back October 9th, 2008 Forward

Well, I skipped a whole day and a half.... don't know what's up with me.... but my black and orange eggs managed to hatch w/o any additional clicks, so I'm happy.

But I have a blue egg in need of clicks! And the hatchlings still need your help. )

Thanks for clicking!

I'll be ninja-clicking back from my post for about an hour before I hit the hay.

Early Morning Hatchling

You made this beautiful little creature hatch - now please help it to grow up!

My First Hatchling! )

Will click each and every one of yours in the course of the day!

thesewarmstars [userpic]

I got a new egg! It's so white and lovely.

Feed the dragons )

red_day_dawning [userpic]

Thanks so much for all the clicking...

Read more... )

I'll keep clicking other dragons & eggs throughout the evening, whenever I have a minute.

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
The brood

Thanks for clicking my babies. Now my son has some too. Please clicky.

Please click my babies )

My Hatchlings and Eggs There growing but they still need your love and clicks.

I'm off to NY for the dayto meet some LJ and IJ family members who saw Equus but I will click when I come home. Meanwhile *BIG GROUP HUG* Thanks for your love and Clicks
Click Please )

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Thanks for the clickies!

I'm being good, for the moment, and resisting addiction to retrieve more eggs. Especially since my clutch is full up for now. *g* Here are my eggs and hatchlings for the daily spam. Off to spread the clicks!

Halo's cave )

Thursday post. Two eggs )

All my eggs hatched while I was at work. Seriously happy, but I missed it. Stupid job. Anyways will stealth click back to last post. I'm tired and have to go back to work tonight. Thanks to all in advance.

Make my babies grow )

get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now. [userpic]

*headdesk* I forgot to post yesterday, even though I stealth-clicked others. In good news, my Guardian grew up yesterday, so I have my first adult. I picked up one egg last night and three more this morning. Please send them male vibes; the adult and hatchlings are all female. -_-

Three hatchlings and four eggs. )

Some quick questions: you find out the hatchling's gender when they get their wings, so can you still abandon them at that point? Because if the eggs turn out to be female, I'll probably abandon a couple. Or is there another way to find out the gender? And is it better to breed dragons that are the same type (i.e., a Guardian and a Guardian) or is it really just personal preference (unless you're trying to breed Splits, because they have to breed with other Splits, right)?

I hope I didn't make that really confusing. Off to click now.

Mood: calm
Phaeton [userpic]
It's me again...

Seems that they are a bit slow on clicks but pretty heavy on views. Hm...but they aren't sick, yet.

Who wanted an omelett? )

Btw...I'm clicking all your eggs both from work and from home. So please excuse my not-commenting - takes too much time. I only do so when I see that someone's egg is sick.

fodirteg [userpic]
my name is fodirteg, and I'm a dragon addict....

~~ Help them grow? ~~  )

Here they be, they're almost grown!! )

Nan [userpic]

This group seems to be hatching much faster than my last four. <3

Three hatchlings, one egg )

I've been clicking throughout the morning and will start again tonight when I get out of work.


Trying to get this guy to adulthood before I go for english class )

Titti [userpic]

Three Eggs and one Hatchling )

monster [userpic]

I got my first adult! Squee!
Thanks everyone!
1 hatchling, everyone else is an adult now!
Thanks so much for all the clicks.

Read more... )

Will be stealth clicking off and on when I have a moment. :)

alicit [userpic]

The split grew up last night and the black and magi have got wings now, all of them are female. Let's see if the water hatchling decides to grow up male! My son's hatchlings are still on their first stage, maybe tonight or tomorrow they'll start growing wings and frills.

ETA: My black grew up and I rescued a pink egg from the abandoned page; I have added it to the post.

ETA2: The magi matured too and I managed to snag a dino egg!

And here they are: )

Thank you all!

Buxom Fish From Space [userpic]
Day 1, round 2

My dragons grew up so I'm showing them off. I couldn't have done it without you guys!

Here they are...dragons on a scroll!

My babies all grew up and so, of course, I had to have a few more. I also managed to breed an egg the first try out -- but didn't realise that if I had 3 eggs + one of my own breeding, that I couldn't take anymore. I guess next time I will wait until I have 4 new eggs. Live and learn.

Anyway, they need some views and clicks. Will get back to piratey clicking goodness in a few minutes.

And under here are the newest ones )

~Willow~ [userpic]

Mine and Posting Lizzy's as she asked me to.

The whole lot of em )

Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Posting a bit early as I won't be near my computer at my regular time.


Mood: jubilant
Ninotsjka Bloom [userpic]

My 5 little cute hatchlings )

Off to click again

sg [userpic]

today's cuties )

whitestar [userpic]
Thursday Night's Post

I must have the most stubborn hatchlings ever! They still aren't grown >.< At least they have their wings so I know that I have two more boys! Yay! :D My Weyr now consists of 2-female pinks and 4-boys, with three unknowns yet unhatched. Please poke these little guys so they'll grow big and strong. Thanks! Will get clicking in a bit ^_^

EDIT to add: Picked up a little red hatchling this evening and lo and behold, it's another boy! Hahaha ^_^ Please clicky on him also, thanks!

OMGosh! I just saw my Magi dragon grow up right before my eyes! O.O Editing again to remove him. Thanks for helping him grow ^_^

EDIT again: Woke up this morning to find the White Dragon all grown up yay! ^_^ Removing him now. Thanks everyone!


sassy_cissa [userpic]

Caught up with my clicks...

Since my first four eggs ended up all female dragons - I have three hatchlings and 2 eggs - in the hopes of getting a male:

Thanks for the clicks )

Mood: worried
cozzybob [userpic]
Need some help!

I ran into some net problems and I couldn't run these around for a few days and now I only have a day left to hatch these! Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Much help appreciated! *kishes ahead of time* Thanks for all the clicks before, I really appreciate it.

Eggs! )

Edit: Oh wait... 2 days left. I'm such a git! *slaps self* ^^

Edit: Oooh, just got a baby! )

Kris [userpic]

Thanks to everyone who clicked. Life has been incredibly hectic for me lately. -.- Off to stealth click! BTW, you guys got my black dragon to sprout wings!

My hatchlings and eggs! )

My room mate's eggs! )

red_day_dawning [userpic]

All the eggs have cracked -- the hatchlings are so cute!
EDIT: So some crazed impulse made me go and steal another egg! A purple one. Please click.

Read more... )

thesewarmstars [userpic]

I am a superninjaclicker!

Also: )

PS - Did I see someone with dinosaurs on their scroll, or was that a hallucination? What's up with that?

ceria [userpic]

Well, he's below one day -->

Thanks, everyone! They grew up.

Thursday's Children

Clicked all your pretties either with or without saying :).

Parade of Hatchlings and Almosthatchling )

snowpuppies [userpic]
Thanks for the clicks!

my first eggs! )

Thanks for clicking!

Will now commence stealth clicking, myself. :)

Back October 9th, 2008 Forward