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Thursday, October 4th, 2007

    Time Event
    [NaNo scene] and a [Character Interview]
    This came out of nowhere. It's the first scene to my NaNo, I'm thinking. Tim is very obviously modeled after my dad, and he will kill me if/when he finds out about it. Especially because of this scene. xD

    The First Scene Thingie )

    Anyway, Topi suggested that I do what she did with Julian and start a character interview. This means if you're reading this you HAVE to ask Jesse a question and I will answer in IC. And when I mean that you have to, I mean that you'll do it or I'll get the hammer! *wields threateningly* Mwahhahahahahahha!



    My life is wonderful. I mean, people usually run away once they get to know me, but that's to be expected. I'm used to it. I can be happy regardless. I mean, how can I help what I am? I didn't ask for it, I was born this way. God made a mistake, is all. It's just a thing, you know, like... being born a minority, or having an ugly birthmark on your face. Everybody's got problems, we learn to deal. I can deal. I'm always dealing. That's not denial, by the way, it's just life.

    And anyway, my life is wonderful. I have friends, and they enjoy my company. I don't need family when I have friends like these. And wasn't there something about making your own family? No... well, no, I don't want family, but I love my friends. They don't care about what I am, and they don't know about what I do. You know what I mean?

    No? Well, no one really knows what I do so it doesn't matter. People don't know what I mean half the time anyway. I mean, you tell them that you slaughtered a succubus in the 7/11 on Rawling Street at three in the morning, so you're a bit tired, and they just roll their eyes. Life's not a comic book, things aren't that entertaining, you know? There are no commercial breaks, things aren't always politically correct. But I'm still alive, so that's good, isn't it? Wonderful. And better than most people, I might add. If they don't believe me, well, that's their problem.

    This is the part where you comment and ask a question. Yes, I do love to babble.

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