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Jul. 5th, 2010


Prompt 100: Epilogue

Hi guys! Today marks a special week because we're up to 100 prompts here at [info]draco100! That's 100 weeks of pure Draco deliciousness in drabble and drawble form since this community first came to be, and that's worth celebrating!

So for this week, we're going to do something slightly different.

Prompt 100: Epilogue - 19 years later

Write a drabble or sketch a drawble featuring the epilogue, but change the focus to our favorite Slytherin (or second favorite *cough cough*). Feel free to stick as close to canon as you'd like or go completely AU--it's up to you and your muse--just as long as it takes place in the approximate time period of "19 years later".

Draco deserves more than a nod and a dig about his hairline, don't 'cha think?

[info]torino10154 would probably make a crack about my complicated prompts, but she's the silly one who left me in charge while she's gallivanting around Italy so :P.

Thanks to [info]alisanne who kept us afloat last week with her drabble, Living the Dream.

Have fun!

Jun. 30th, 2010


Living the Dream

Title: Living the Dream
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Challenge: Written for [info]draco100's prompt #99: Dream
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Threesome
A/N: Yay OT3. :)
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Living the Dream

Jun. 28th, 2010


Prompt 99: Dream

Happy Monday! I'll be taking over for the next five weeks while [info]torino10154 is gallivanting around the world. (Happy Birthday, btw <3)

Prompt 99: Dream

Be it daydreams or while he's sleeping or some secret desire Draco wouldn't dream of admitting ( pun intended), what goes on in that Slytherin's head?

Thanks for the drabbles for last week's prompt, Gryffindor Tower!

[info]libbyness wrote A Sneaky Gryffindor and a Reckless Slytherin Walk Into a Pub....
[info]alisanne wrote Bravery Rewarded.

See you next Monday!