Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

    Time Event


    Us: Gather round, lovelies! It's time for Drabble Day, our favourite sleep-deprived time of the year! We want - nay, we demand all the drabbles your little hearts and hands can crank out in 24 hou--

    Eurovision: Soz, guys, we double-booked and totes forgot to clear it with you. Finale's that night. Our bad.

    Us: We still love you, Eurovision (but MORE GLITTER this year or we need to talk). We'll just find another date.

    Aldi's calendar: Nope. No way.

    Lil's calendar: Don't even think about it.

    Us: OK, we're resilient, adaptable people. We can figure this out.

    *makes pros and cons lists*
    *gets drunk on power and BRAINTHIRD contact high*

    So we can either go with a sane, reasonable 12-hour Drabble Day or we can throw caution to the wind and embrace EXTREME DRABBLING!!!

    Eurovision: Let me guess…

    That's right, we be crazy!! Announcing TWENTY HOURS of DOUBLE-PROMPT DRABBLING starting at midnight Eurotime (CET) on Friday, May 17, followed immediately by an Eskiviewing of Eurovision 2019.
    Time Zones are as follows:
    US/Canada Central time - 5pm
    US/Canada Eastern - 6pm
    UK (GMT) - 11pm
    Europe (CET) - midnight
    NZ (NZST) - 10am (Saturday, May 18)

    As always, drabbles will be limited to 100 words and we'll provide prompts at the top of each hour. Watch this space for more details coming soon. In the meantime, here's a taste of what's in store:

    Hope to see you all there!!

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