methinks the lady doth protest too much.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
methinks the lady doth protest too much.

writer room·writer room·writer room
we were young and drinking in the park; there was nowhere else to go. and you said you always had my back, oh, but how were we to know? that these are the days that bind you together, forever. and these little things define you forever, forever. all this bad blood here, won't you let it dry? it's been cold for years, won't you let it dry? if we're only ever looking back, we will drive ourselves insane. but those are the days that bind us together, forever. and those little things define us forever, forever. I don't wanna hear about the bad blood anymore. I don't wanna hear you talk about it anymore.
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BASICS; discussion. [31 Aug 2013|06:35pm]
This is the open forum to discuss everything/anything we like. I've picked up some of the best writers I've happened across in my years of role-playing - one thing binding all of us is our love for this book, and the ability to adapt the characters to be something magnificent by the time we're through with them. Keep in mind, by accepting the invitation to be involved, you are in no way required to do anything other than just throw out ideas, if you like! The goal is to gather like-minded people who might be interested in getting credited, should the idea take off and go somewhere - as most of you know, I am taking off to the London Screenwriter's Festival in October, and plan to pitch this whilst there - so there is actual potential in it. Any effort put in will garner credit, naturally, as you are all fantastic people. But put forth as much or as little as you like - ideas, scenes, what-have-you - it's all open game! All the current storyboarding, etc - as well as the base idea - is locked, so just accept the invite to peruse!

GOAL: Appealing to the Literary, Mythology, and Historical niches.

[ viewing | August 31st, 2013 ]
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