university of michigan: random's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
university of michigan: random

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[10 Oct 2014|09:16pm]
what is one thing that people would be surprised to find out about you? i haven't seen a single game of thrones episode and i constantly get the strangest looks when i say that.
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adds #6 [05 Oct 2014|10:14pm]
welcome to [info]university of michigan!

Hello Wolverines! Tonight we have # characters joining the community.

Please note the following changes:

   • Brett ([info]dread | PB: Andre Hammann) now has an AIM UN: brettyonce

   • Lily ([info]wrinkleintime | PB: Holannd Roden) now has an AIM UN: beautiflilcreatures

Please visit the member's section for access to friends list and buddy list.

new members

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show me a picture and tell me the story behind it [02 Oct 2014|09:48pm]
[ music | or link me to a song and tell me what or who it reminds you of ]

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customs or the codfather [29 Sep 2014|10:11pm]

what's up, i'm cody and i'm currently halfway through writing the first draft of a paper that is making me want to bash my head into my desk but i'd rather be baking cookies. what's the last thing you had to power through and what was your reward when you finished what you had to force yourself through?
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what was your favorite movie growing up and why? [29 Sep 2014|08:25am]
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give me customs or help me think of a sn por favor [24 Sep 2014|03:09am]
lo here. i really don't know what to say since i feel like hell. what's something you do to make yourself feel better when you're sick?
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who wants a custom? [24 Sep 2014|05:23am]
hello all you beautiful people, im stella and let's have some conversations so here two questions for you. first off since im tired and a little on the grumpass side tell me about you comfort food and comfort movie? i always enjoy greasy mexican food and watching wizard of oz until i fall to asleep. secondly, what made you decide to attend school at umich? im thankfully here on a soccer scholarship because sending twins to college probably would have broke my parents.
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customs always or nosleeptilbrookelynn [23 Sep 2014|12:57am]
hi i'm brooke! it's getting late and i'm just laying here thinking about the day, my life, what i need, what i want, the song that won't get out of my head. the usual pre-sleep thought processes. you can get lost in some pretty crazy thoughts if you follow them down. so help reel me back in. since i'm looking out the window at the stars, let's talk about wishes. do you make wishes on stars? in wells? if you had three wishes how would you use them? and you can't cheat and wish for more than three wishes. but other than that, let's say there are no other rules.
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