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Jul. 18th, 2012


sam a.

[LOCKED to Sam A.]

I've got something to take care of, but if when I come back, is there anything I can do for you? Pay you for the shipping fee of that file, if nothing else.

[...] And that guy won't be contacting you again.

Jul. 13th, 2012


I'm not one to be a pessimist, but there's only so many times I can stand being knocked down.

[the post is scratched out and no further replies will be given]


text to jules s.

[After all is said and done, a text message.]



[A note is left scrawled on Violet's chalkboard.]

Where are you? I love you.

Jul. 8th, 2012


jules s.

[ LOCKED to Jules S. ]

Its over. [There are smears of blood on the page.]


Jules S., Loren C.

[Locked to Jules S.]

I'm moving in with my uncle, just so you're aware.

[Locked to Loren C.]

With my uncle. I'm sorry for earlier. I am.

Jul. 4th, 2012



[Sent to Meredith J. at Loren C.'s Residence...

A massive pink bear the size of a large dog. No card. It smells like roses.]


phonecall to sam a.

[Phonecall to the number Sam called him from. This is a couple days after he's collected the file she sent to Reno.]


[At 7:45 PM that night.]



I'm well aware of my status as a 'foreigner' here in the States, but it feels even more pronounced today. Couple that with my honest ignorance of the customs, and we've got the makings for a day spent inside.

Jul. 1st, 2012


Loren C

[Delivered to Loren C]
[A thrift store steamer trunk. There's a note inside.]

You pack up all that girl's things, and you lock them away safe, where nothing can touch them, so you don't get all upset at that fool girl living with you again.

Jun. 29th, 2012


Loren C, Anton S, Louis D, Tiffani R

[Locked to Loren C]
[After an unfortunate amount of heavy thinking.] So my hacker couldn't find much. Just some mercenary soldier shit, and some crap about your family and your school.

[Locked to Anton S]
I have one of those Robin kids shoving Iris out the door, but I'm not super hopeful. If he falls on his face, we're going through that stupid door and, I don't know, refusing to leave unless she comes home.

[Locked to Louis D]
This is the part where I ask if you're even still alive.

[Locked to Tiffani R]
Thanks for the hookers, the grub and the mostly clean bed, Mouse. Done with my work for the Boss, so probably heading out in a day or so.

Jun. 28th, 2012


waterfalls anon.

[LOCKED to Waterfalls Anon]

I'm bad with names if you ever told me. We went on a ride once in the desert. You showed me her. Anyway we have a mutual friend. I wanted to tell you something. Or ask advice. Or. I dont know.

Jun. 24th, 2012



So. Roll call time.

How many of you have kids or are wanting them? I'm just curious, flipping through these journals and wondering about all of you out there and your dreams and aspirations. What makes you tick.

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Loren C, Daniel W

[Locked to Loren C]
[After seeing this. No message, just a link]

[Locked to Daniel W]
Feel like letting me borrow your piano come this weekend? I promise no one will go breaking in your door. I need venting, and nothing works so good as pounding on the keys.

Jun. 21st, 2012



There shouldn't be any reason I can't write in here, right?

I've got a lot of time found myself with extra time on my hands, and I'd like to catch up on some reading. Limited to e-books at the moment.

What would you recommend? I'm open to all genres.

Jun. 19th, 2012


loren c., dahlia g.

[Locked to Loren C.]

I believe we share a mutual friend. Do you have a moment?

[Locked to Dahlia G.]

Have you spoken to Meredith recently?

Jun. 18th, 2012




And here I thought death would actually be alright.  I'd take Mystic Falls over this crap any day.


basilio a.

[Locked to Basiolo A, from Anonymous]

[Immediately after this.]

You have a date at a restaurant with someone soon, yes or no?

Jun. 17th, 2012



[on the heels of this in the news.]

[Several hours after the post is made, it disappears from the journal, replaced with something else]

You are not being funny. This isn't funny. Not in the slightest!

I've been thinking about getting a guard dog, but my place is pretty small. Any recommendations on dogs that can deal with the space I can offer?

Jun. 12th, 2012



[The contents of this post get deleted after a very fitful night's sleep, though the post itself remains, blank.]

[After this got really ugly.]

"Part of me just wants to make your nightmares come true by paying her a visit." Yeah? You sick fucking bastard. Fine. Put your money where your dick is. Or do your balls shrivel up when someone calls you out?

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