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Sep. 5th, 2013


[Russell C.]

[Extremely early morning, crack of dawn. Rushed ink.]

Russell. Russell help!

Sep. 4th, 2013


[ford c/blake t]

How's the new digs? Is March being a good boy?

Sep. 3rd, 2013


[Ford C]

you got too fucking fancy over there to tell me you ain't dead?

[March H]

he doing all right?

[Sam A]

saw someone offed the fucker.


whoever the fuck got someone named Tony in their head, the one in mine is real fucking clear he's meant to stay the fuck out of trouble when we're this side of the door.

how long before they start trying to shove through? I got to get the girly-show and hard drinking in before she fucking pipes up again.

Aug. 24th, 2013



Ghostbusters is on again. I keep hoping somebody's going to actually come up with a working Proton Pack.

Aug. 17th, 2013


March H )

want to make it real clear, real far. any of you with a fucking headcase leaves any more marks on Ford, we're going to have a real big problem.



[Public, as Kara L]


Jul. 30th, 2013



[From within her containment chamber, because no one's been brave enough to risk coming in to take her sunstone away from her. She doesn't bother posting anonymously.]


Jul. 27th, 2013



Someone was playing music last night.

Jul. 26th, 2013


I suppose there's no way at all of forcing a 'switch'? Hostile takeover being unlikely. I've enjoyed all manner of experiences but when you've seen one strip club, you've seen them all. The person in Vegas seems to disagree.

Jul. 25th, 2013



Is blanket permission to take over your Vegas half offered if said Vegas half is acting in a manner that you do not believe healthy?

Jul. 24th, 2013



[Posted anonymously.] Lawrence?

Jul. 17th, 2013


Drake W starts in on rich assholes trying to make themselves look like their shit don't smell by throwing money around, and I got a woman piping up in the back of my fucking head saying that's how it's fucking done.

I drop two thou in tips at a strip-club, someone's going to blow me? that how it fucking works? rich assholes, make it a little fucking clear.

Jul. 16th, 2013


Dean W., Sam W.

[Filtered to Sam and Dean Winchester]

um. What do you do when you find out the other voice inside my head holds the secret of wanting to kill someone? Maybe I'm thinking too much about it, but what if Crowley gets a hold of me again? I think I've done everything possible to keep demons out of my head, but if she's got that kind of secret floating around, think it's possible that they could take advantage somehow?


[Jan F, Toby F, Ford C]

[Calendar lock]
Everyone had themselves plenty of time to fret and come on back around?

[Locked to Ford C]
I haven't heard your brother hollering about you being hurt, so I'm guessing you did fine at that party?

Jul. 13th, 2013


Dean W. and Public.


Did anyone meet anyone or anything at the party that they think may have been responsible for it? It's a shot in the dark.

[Dean W.]

I just had the "anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" conversation with Laura. And I'm not kidding. I am awful at this.

Jul. 10th, 2013



[As X-23]


Jul. 8th, 2013


said it before, say it again.

what the everloving fuck.

Jun. 26th, 2013



[After casually paging through, but without enough attention to get the ins and outs of anything happening, not beyond the notice of some familiar names.]

When you see names on here that read like an old yearbook, do you assume they're your ghosts, or do you pretend they're coincidences?


[Russ C.]

[Russell C.]

Broke yet?

Jun. 9th, 2013


[Sam W, Dean W]

[Group lock to the Winchester brothers]

There is trouble in Oklahoma. Your assistance is required immediately.

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