March 2014




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Mar. 6th, 2013



I fucking hate everything. This has been the worst couple of fucking weeks in recent fucking memory. Everyone having a good time can go fuck themselves.


Mar. 3rd, 2013



[as Jean V]

People claim that their lives are difficult, but they cannot imagine how hard things could be had they lived in a different time. This is not said to trivialize the difficulties people experience, but it is hard to reconcile this world with the one which I am used to.

Also. I very much miss the dark. Are people allergic to it, here? Is that why there are so many of these electric lights?

Feb. 27th, 2013


[locked to faust, rose red]

You are both safe, I hope. This city is a very dangerous place, it seems.

Feb. 17th, 2013


[Public, as Daniel W.]

[In beautiful, elegant blackletter typography.]

Cut for language. )

Feb. 15th, 2013


[Public, Olivia L.]

[Olivia L.]

[A reply to this. It's always pretty obvious in his writing when Daniel is too drunk to stand.]

Present. For good service.

[(Accidentally) Public.]

[After seeing this a bit too late. He hasn't left the apartment, and so the gifts are on the front step.]

[Nice drunken scrawl. The beginning of other letters that were originally supposed to be a lock: Ches]

It's March?

Feb. 11th, 2013



So, anybody know what happens to our headcases when we bite it?

Feb. 10th, 2013


[Faust, and his loyal sidekick.]

[Locked to Faust and Quasimodo]

I'm leaving.

Feb. 9th, 2013



Seriously done with the fucking bleedover thing. If someone doesn't get this bitch back to that castle stat, I will cut someone. I'll do it. All this leaky feeling shit has me cranky, don't test me.

Feb. 8th, 2013



Paris is as I left her, I think. They say Rome's the eternal city, but I think Paris might have a claim to the title. She changes completely, and nothing ever really changes. It makes anyone question revolution -- how much can it really achieve when everything remains so much the same? Revolution ought to bring redemption, not greater suffering and poverty. Is there no society that can genuinely sustain the common good? Or are we all doomed to search endlessly for Utopias and find their names fitting -- nowhere.

I am a terrible radical. But an equally terrible law student. At least my German and my English are good (let us not speak of Latin or Greek)? Those are perhaps the most useful skills I possess, sadly. I should find my books and try to apply myself to my studies. The cafés are quiet today. Some wine and bread might ease my mind.

Feb. 3rd, 2013


[Private to Liam R.]

Our agent kept asking about you during lunch. It was very uncomfortable and a little damaging to my ego.


If you had a quiet person in your head, or are unaware that you have one at all, how do you decide when to go through the door? I assume it'd be because you were bored and couldn't sleep.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Sam A, Liam R, Blake T, Iris R, Malcolm D, Val M

Locked to Sam A

Just checking in, how are things?

Locked to Liam R

You've been quiet. How are you doing, Liam?

Locked to Blake T

How are you, Blake?

Locked to Iris R

Are you returned yet?

Locked to Malcolm D

Is there a protocol for this? Don't be Hey.

Locked to Val M

Hey. Sorry I had to end our phone call so abruptly the other night.

Jan. 24th, 2013


[After trying to get a hold of Olive.]

Friend of mine went missing. Took all my bloody postcards with her.

Jan. 21st, 2013



This bullshit back home is going to make me crazy This place is fucking disappointing me lately with severe boredom. At least the people through the door are blowing shit up and doing magic tricks and shit. I came back here, and all people want to talk about is being sick or whatever.

So, theoretical question - ever fucked someone you didn't know and snuck out before they woke up? And why'd you do it? Because you felt like it? Because they told you they loved you in the middle of sex and you felt like that was kind of a sign of being badly adjusted? Because you couldn't deal with the awkward no exchanging of phone numbers conversation? Because you saw that collection of leather working tools on the coffee table and basically assumed they were going to murder you? Because you were too cheap to buy breakfast?



[As The Huntsman]

And I thought things could not become more strange than they already were.


[Locked to Faust, Rose Red]

[It was only going to be locked to Faust, but, on second thought, he decided to include Rose as well.]

What has happened to the castle? The servants no longer come up to the tower, and seem to flee when they see me are they frightened of me, suddenly now has everything in the world become reversed. And the West part of the castle is blocked, yet nothing else is damaged.

Jan. 19th, 2013


Public, Blake, Justine

The deal is done and I now have a house. It will be nice to move out of the Wynn. The deal for this house will be signed Monday, cash delivered, and it's mine. I know there are some there that just hate to see me leave the Wynn.

I know it has 7 bedrooms and more space than I need but look at it. I could not say no.

What do you think? Do you want to help me move? I think a housewarming may be appropriate.

Jan. 8th, 2013


Iris R, Wnnie O, Public

[Locked to Iris]
[Again he tries. He doesn't want to go blurting her name across the journals, nor does he particularly want to go talking to people in the quest to find her.]


[If that doesn't work, he'll leave a voice mail on the numbers he has for her.]

[Locked to Winnie O]

What the hell is going on?


I'm moving. A house half way down the block just exploded.

Jan. 5th, 2013


[Private to Rose Red]

Your sister has come and gone, I'm afraid.

[Private to Quasimodo]

Still here?

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Blake, Winnie, Sam, Iris, Liam, Public

[Locked to Blake T]

Your box of sex toys was delivered to my office. I can hold them if you want to pick them up when you come for your session.

[Locked to Winnie]

Do you still need a present for your coworker?

[Locked to Sam]

How are you doing Sam?

[Locked to Iris]

Did you have a good Christmas, Iris?

[Locked to Liam]

Still doing okay?


Anyone have tips for traveling with dogs?

Jan. 1st, 2013



Thanks for the presents, bitches. I'm going to be warmer and drunker and wearing more leather in the new year.

So anyway, my New Year's Resolution is to Resolve some bullshit. I'm looking for a chick named Rose. Anybody home?

P.S: Seriously tired of apocalypses, fiscal and otherwise. Tell the Mayans and Congress and the aliens and the comet or whatever that I have shit to do in this the most unlucky of years in the century, kthanks.

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