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October 28th, 2013

[info]doorsween in [info]doors


I'm looking for the angel who lost her wings.

[info]doorsverse in [info]doors

[Plot: Halloween]

[When the sun rises, all guests at the party feel the compulsion to return to where they began. They leave the ship and and they return to their doors and homes, leaving behind the versions of themselves that they became for the evening. Every memory remains of the night, and physical aches linger, though injuries fade with the sunrise and the dead live once more.

In each attendant's journal, one word sheds light on the events of the evening:]


[info]hauntedsoul in [info]doors


So that was a hotel party, huh?

[info]atomic26 in [info]doors


I know you all were just dying to check under my loincloth.

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Private to Selina K.]

Meow, kitty cat. I'm checking in a week late.

[Private to Stephanie B.]

Next year we have to do matching costumes.

[info]doorsween in [info]doors

[Remus L, (edited) Public]

[Handwriting so shaky that it's unrecognizable.]

I have a question.

[After talking to Remus.]

[...] Paper wings?

[info]onerule in [info]doors

wren h., jack c., max m.

[text to wren h.]

Please tell me Hey?

[locked to jack c. & max m., separately.]

You probably know what I'm going to ask. Unless you got lucky, and last night was nothing out of the ordinary.

[info]ex_takingthe360 in [info]doors

Lestat, I'd ask for your phone number but I'm still planning on superseding science(??) and mystery doors and marrying Thor.

But you've got great hair.


Don't be alarmed ;)

[info]doorsween in [info]doors


I'm looking for a lady, dressed in blue armor and a dress, who probably doesn't want to talk to me, but I need to tell her something.

[info]ex_thisismym190 in [info]doors



A few questions.

1. What's a jaeger?
2. What the fuck was that?
3. I need a drink.
4. I know that's not a question.
5. Stop being the question police.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

[Public, Barber anon]

[Sloppily written, rather than typed.]

So is everyone alive or whatever?

[Locked to the Barber anon]
Better than last time or worse?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[donovan lock]

Everyone is safe and sound, I hope?

[lin a]

Were you the life of the party?