March 2014



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April 13th, 2013

[info]thesavior in [info]doors


[It's the first friday Shailee's had off in a long time, and she's made good use of it by getting drunk]

I'm tired of Tao where else do people party on a frieday night?

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

various, mk is back from rehab edition

[locked to eleanor m-s.]

Hi, Nelly Bear.

[locked to wren h.]

I can't You sent LUKE to ask in on me [Nothing posted.]

[locked to adam w.]


[locked to lin a.]

So I don't remember if I ever really thanked you for helping Sam.

[info]pricked in [info]doors


[Because he's drunk and horrified, and why not?]

Apparently this is the future of underwear. Who do I have to kill to avoid this? More importantly, I'm going to need an alibi.

[info]saltedand in [info]doors

[After this]

heading out of town for a game before that fucking hotel takes my stake away again.

feel real free to get visiting the garage out your system while I ain't there.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

Damian, Bruce, Selina

[Locked to Damian W]

[After a lot of consideration and mostly because she broke both her comm and her phone.]

You still should have told me.

[Locked to Bruce W.]

I know I said I would wait until you got back, but I had to leave early. I can come back if there's an emergency.

[Locked to Selina K]

Claws, tail, and whiskers all in one piece?

[info]fuadan in [info]doors

locked to shailee t

[The morning after this]

[As "JR S."]

Did you find someone to go out dancing with you?

[info]antiqued in [info]doors


I have found that I am not entirely comfortable being ignorant of what happens on the other side of the door. There is something happening, but I have no idea what.

[info]tattooist in [info]doors

[Locked to Ford]

[Because it's the first thing she picked up on here.]


[info]afrit in [info]doors

[Ford C]

[Delivery for Ford C]
[After this, a whole box full of immunity building things. Vitamins, juices, berries and citrus. There are a few natural soup packets, the just add water kind, and a electric burner and small pot to heat the soups with. There's one orange bottle of antibiotics, prescribed by March Hatfield, MD. The juices and fruits are still cold when everything's left at Ford's motel, and there's a note tucked in:]

If you got a fever, take the antibiotics. - March