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January 28th, 2013

[info]ex_ideals961 in [info]doors

[Helena W, Laura D, Jack C, Dick G, Luke H]

[Obliviously, from New York.]

[Locked to Helena W]
Hey, kid, she's gone.

[Locked to Laura D]
Hey, Daniels. Still living in a hotel?

[Locked to Jack C]
Catch me up.

[Locked to Dick G]
[After her comm pings to Bo go unanswered.] Can I borrow my ex-handler for a minute?

[After talking to everyone else.]
[Locked to Luke H]
Hey, kid.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

Spencer | Tim, Bruce W, Olivia L, Nico R, Public

[Locked to Spencer | Tim]

She crossed, but I'm keeping her here for a bit.

[Locked to Bruce W.]

Helena woke up, but I need to be here for a little while before she crosses again.

[Locked to Olivia L]

I'm back. I know you have something to say about it.

[Locked to Nico R]

Did you manage to keep your sanity?


Are the doors always like this?

[info]maldito in [info]doors


[Text to October F]
Toby, I have a huge favor to ask of you.

[After conversation with Toby: Text to March H]
We're in! But he's going to stay at the hospital tonight. Blah.

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Private to Jason T.]

Grayon's been pitted.

[Private to Dick G.]


[Private to Selina K.]

I can't believe you just left him.

[info]hospitaller in [info]doors

There isn't anybody here who wants private ballet lessons, is there...? I'm looking to keep up my ballet practice now that the studio I was teaching at is closed.

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Casey D]

[Locked to Casey D]
[During this.] Your brother is being a fucking dick.

[info]lorddenethor in [info]doors

[locked to Svetlana M]

[locked to Svetlana M, written in spiney, somewhat awkward Russian]
Are you still hanging on? I'm sorry there were ... ... delays. I didn't want to contact you with the mob activity stuff that happened recently until it had a chance to die down some. I have a cellphone for you.