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December 7th, 2012

[info]bloodjunkie in [info]doors


[After this.]

And here I thought I moved into the part of town where gunshots weren't a real regular thing.

[info]estel_crowned in [info]doors

Sams family+

[Locked to Neil D, Iris R, Louis D, and Tess]

Sam wanted to let me know that she's going to be staying at The Center for Addiction Medicine at [Address, phone number]. You'll need to call to see about visiting times and hours. I think I got everyone, but if I have missed anyone, let me know and I'll open this information to them.

[info]silverandsteel in [info]doors

[Call to M. Main.]

[At the same time as this.]

[info]albagalbasi in [info]doors

This city really is pretty fascinating, and a great place for a lawyer to find work. Or even a trainee lawyer, at that. Everyone needs to sue somebody around here.

Perhaps I should start with an introduction; that's usually the best way to do things, isn't it? So, hello! I'm Elinor Stewart. Lawyer in training, avid writer, history lover, and secretly (okay, not so secretly) in love with writing fanfiction.

[info]inthename in [info]doors


[Public, as Mr Gold]

Well, well, well.  This won't do at all.  I daresay this darkness will be gone by morning. 

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


[Friday morning, another two pharmacies are hit by thieves. The story reads much the same as the previous robberies, though this time, the LVPD are offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of the individuals involved.]

[info]number11 in [info]doors

[October F.]

[Sent to October F. at his place of work, as there can't be that many doctors named October in Las Vegas: a present. The card says, in large loopy letters, Thank you for your assistance. - Sunny & The Doctor]
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[info]snowscar in [info]doors

[Filtered message to Draco]

So, about that comment the other day, did you mean that? You choose me?

[Filtered to the Fairy Tale characters]

Hello. Some of you know me, some of you don't. I'm from Draco's world, and my name is Harry Potter. I hope things are improving in your own world. Draco mentioned a darkness after his visit. If there's anything I can do to help out, please let me know, I guess.

[info]musicalwater in [info]doors

All this talk of gunfire, I'm practically homesick. I thought that side of the Door was incredibly dull.

There wouldn't be any especially good museums, where you all are?