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November 30th, 2012

[info]parademons in [info]doors

Silver M

[Locked to Silver M]
Our trip to LVPD? Not necessary. If you can believe it, someone from Gotham hacked into the system here and gave me an encrypted download of every arson record for the past ten years. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.

[info]caelrox in [info]doors

Seven days sober...

I just want one hit. I'm really tired all the time. I'm so bored. I want to get out of here. This fucking sucks ass.

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors


it's the most wonderful time of the yeaaaaaaaaaaar. what's everyone asking santa for for christmas?

[info]chavtastically in [info]doors

peter g., winnie o., public

[fangirl email to peter g.]

so i saw that show the other day where you went into that asylum and i cant BELIEEEEEEEEEVE that story about the nurseghost. the one who killed her patients and is still there to this day oOoOoOOOoooOOOOOoo SO CRAZY!!!!


[locked to winnie o.]

so i think mom wants us to do christmas cards this year :[


i keep having dreams about some weird blue box that flies am i going crazy

[info]thecalibrations in [info]doors


Do you guys give gift advice? I'm wracking my brain for my new partner. He's a little bit like a strong, silent cowboy type. Minus all the cheesy Wild West stuff. Usually a giftcard to Carl's Jr does the trick, but some guys get offended.

[Private to Joker M.]

So, that ship got a leash on it?

[info]estel_crowned in [info]doors


[As Strider.]

Have others returned to their world and found themselves in a time and place of their past? Is this a new trick of the Enemy?

[info]the_extractor in [info]doors


Home sweet fucking home. Fuck I missed NY.

[info]crimsonstar in [info]doors

Posted as Son Goku

So, hi again! I read, or I think I read, that some of you can go through to another world. That's pretty cool! Does anyone want to visit my world? Or let me visit theirs?

[info]takespoint in [info]doors

[Inception Crew.]

[Locked to Inception Crew sans Mal. For the job.]

Dossiers. )

[info]flamemustang in [info]doors

[As Roy Mustang, filtered to Tony Stark, Pepper Potts]

I hear your group had a bit of trouble before, and my question went perhaps on dead ears. Here's hoping, at least, that this is better timing on my end. I've heard from Miss Pepper Potts that perhaps you might be interested in another kind of science, Mr. Stark. Ah, yes, I should probably introduce myself. That's usually good. I'm General Roy Mustang.

[Filtered message to Chris Redfield]

Any updates on your end with the Philosopher's Stone and their research?

[Filtered message to Nicholas Fury]
I believe you were the one asking about fire power not that long ago. If you are still interested in assistance, I'd be willing to meet with you personally, but my apologies if I'm mistaken.

[info]fear_incarnate in [info]doors

[public as Sophie C]

How does one person make their life so incredibly complicated and dull in the same moment?

It's amazing and exasperating in the same breath.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

batfam+, selina k

[locked to the batfam.]

I'm back.


I owe all of you an apology. You paid the price for my mistakes, which wasn't fair, and I intend to do whatever necessary to fix the mess I caused. [Pause.] My immediate concern, however, is this gas. Iron Man says it was in the cave, and someone was hurt. What happened?

[locked to selina k.]

I'm told you're switching sides.