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October 20th, 2012

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Neil D

[Locked to Neil D]
I'm not sure you'll give a shit but Liam is in hiding from a psychopath, and he's freaked. I'm going to go crash with him. Also, since I'm obviously not your thing, feel like taking Iris out?

[info]ex_roses104 in [info]doors

Snow W, Beast, Draco M

[Locked to Snow W]
I hate to say anything that might be construed as concern, but did you end up at that party?

[Locked to the Beast]
Did you go? Were you still cursed there? I saw no beasts.

[Locked to Draco M]
It seems we're delayed, or perhaps ill-fated.

[info]sonofthenorth in [info]doors

[Locked to Lin A]

Still in one piece? Mentally and/or physically.

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

Is it sad to say that was a first actual party that didn't involve politics. It's time to get back to business. There are several things on the agenda, like tying up the loose ends on my house. There are also a few interesting prospects out there, quite worthy of some consideration.

Were you at that 'party'? I haven't seen you lately. Everything alright?

[info]crossroaded in [info]doors

public, cerise s.

You people have some serious fucking issues.

[locked to cerise s.]

Unless you were a manic pixie shit in a short skirt stabbing people left and right, I've got two votes here that say 'drink until brain death'.

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

Adam W

[Locked to Adam W]
I know we didn't disclose our deviant journal lives, but these are desperate times, and I very much would like some company for a marathon Slenderman session with a heavy dosing of camomile tea. Are you about?

[info]shootempolitely in [info]doors


Someone mind telling me what the hell just went on?