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April 6th, 2012

[info]goodthiefbadcop in [info]doors

[As Parker]

whats behind other doors? mine is boring. more boring than riding along in someone else's head all day. the things people do when they think they're alone. seriously. ew.

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors

[Evan H.]

[Call to Evan H.]



I like being a superhero better.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Shailee T, Kieran F

[Locked to Shailee T]
I'll trade you the badass in your head for the swooning damsel in mine. Barring that, I found an actual, living, thirty-year-old virgin that needs corrupting. It's like finding a unicorn or something.

[Locked to Kieran F]
Does the murse handle torch burns? Or is that out of his league?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[Caesar's Palace]

[The extreme, hallucinatory, effects of the "Scarecrow's" fear gas are contained to the Caesar's Palace Octavius villa, which Alice, Brielle, MK and Wren call home. Beyond the doors of the suite, however, the gas has a minimal effect on the hotel's workers and guests. There are no hallucinations, no great terrors for those who do not actually step foot in the gas-ridden suite, but there is a looming sense of uneasiness, a prickling a the back of the neck, a bad feeling that's pervasive enough to send many customers skittering to another casino for the evening. The effect, for those lucky enough to not be in the targeted suite, only lasts until the dry Vegas air hits. For anyone entering the suite itself, the effect goes on until morning, though the extreme hallucinations are limited to the suite residents who received the brunt of the initial gassing. Crossing through a door will not serve as a remedy for anyone affected, though that is not immediately clear.]

[info]cursedlife in [info]doors

Nice display in the hotel. It still smells like yech in there.

I wonder who was responsible for that.

[info]laminette in [info]doors


[Seconds after the fear gas floods the suite, and after activating all the locks from the keypad in her room, effectively locking every single door in the suite in a manner that can't be opened without the security unlock code.]


the vents someone

stay away from Caesa

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors


RC cars, upon being dismantled, are somewhat like Humpty Dumpty in the fact that they cannot be put back together again. Not duct tape, nor super glue can fix this fuck of a mess. Tiffani I even tried your nail polish.

Build me an army worthy of Mordor. I feel like Sauron might have had better luck.

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doors


Immediately after this (she didn't see his reply)

[Text: Silver/Felicia]

Wren needs you.  Something's wrong at Caesar's.