20th January 2009

[info]ex_kaycee154 in [info]do_me_veela

Calling All Betas!

As the deadline for the Valentine Veela Fest draws nearer and nearer (January 31st folks!), we mods thought that some participants may be in need of beta services.

So we are looking for volunteers to help beta for the fest!

If you are able and willing, please comment with a contact email address and some brief details on your beta experience and what type of story/rating you are willing to beta for. Fest authors can then contact volunteers directly to discuss what type of beta they need.

There are also a few LJ communities designed to help authors find betas:
- hp_betas
- hp_betas_wanted


[info]ex_kaycee154 in [info]do_me_veela

Fic Submission Guidelines and Friendly Reminders

Hi Veela Lovers!

Did you know that the deadline for the Valentine Veela Fest is January 31st? :)

Submitting your amazing artwork and fiction is super easy. Simply email your fic or art as an attachment to veela.mod@gmail.com.

You should receive confirmation that we received your email within 24 hours. If you do not receive this confirmation, please double check with us to make sure we have received your work.

Before you do that, though, please copy and paste the following header into your document. Artists, if you will copy this information into the body of your email, that would be great.

And have I mentioned that the deadline for submission is January 31st? If for any reason you feel you can not make this deadline, please email the mods and let us know.

We are looking forward to reading your fabulous fics and seeing your amazing artwork!!