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HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE MIDWEST!!!! [01 Jan 2010|12:00am]
[ music | jenny from da block - "get right" ]


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[01 Jan 2010|12:59am]
you guys... it's officially the 1st (for me and england). i'm watching the two day doctor who marathon on bbc america, and all i can say is.... I'M NOT READY FOR DAVID TENANNT TO LEAVE. :(
11 comments|post comment

[01 Jan 2010|12:21pm]
What movies have you seen recently that you loved or what movies do you want to see?
33 comments|post comment

[01 Jan 2010|01:00pm]
anyone else have friends who keep getting engaged??

i do, and it's weird :/
31 comments|post comment

[01 Jan 2010|04:06pm]
lmao this reminded me of div )
7 comments|post comment

LAST FM POST [01 Jan 2010|07:57pm]
whats everyones last fm's? i just got one ^-^
23 comments|post comment

[01 Jan 2010|11:47pm]
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[ viewing | January 1st, 2010 ]
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