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stay classy, divierto

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[22 Dec 2009|02:27am]
When was the last time you tossed cookies?
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[22 Dec 2009|10:56am]
For the holidays, what are you most excited for? and what are you not excited for?

I'm excited to eat food, see family, and receive gifts.
I'm not excited for opening my gifts in front of others, I get embarrassed.
15 comments|post comment

[22 Dec 2009|11:25am]
What's the best dream you've had recently?

I had a dream last night that I was in Paris with my family, and we went to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and the Champs Élysées. It was one of those dreams where everything felt like it was actually happening.
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[22 Dec 2009|01:50pm]
Let's see your 2009 collage!

mine )
16 comments|post comment

[22 Dec 2009|03:19pm]
do you dress up for concerts?
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[22 Dec 2009|03:47pm]
Ugh, seriously does anyone know when Lockerz is going to restock their shit?

And have you finished your Holiday shopping yet? I'm not even halfway there =/
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[22 Dec 2009|03:59pm]
what's your favorite kind of homemade cookie? christmas or not!
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have we had one of these lately? [22 Dec 2009|07:00pm]
Post a quote from a movie, and others will guess which movie it's from!
221 comments|post comment

This might be old news but... [22 Dec 2009|07:11pm]
Guys, Devendra Banhart cut his beard!!!
13 comments|post comment

please don't hurt me for this [22 Dec 2009|08:45pm]
What are some of the good layout communities on here?
4 comments|post comment

i know this is so late but... [22 Dec 2009|10:26pm]
i bought my boyfriend all things he NEEDED for christmas : i.e: a winter jacket, a wallet. but nothing "romantic" or anything. i was wondering what are some cute ideas that dont cost any money that i can make for him by christmas?
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[ viewing | December 22nd, 2009 ]
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