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lmao i love this movie. [19 Nov 2009|12:00am]
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[19 Nov 2009|12:22am]
what's on your TO DO list right now?
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[19 Nov 2009|01:36am]
i am bored. tell me a story. ask me a question. ask each other questions. do something to pass the time!
227 comments|post comment

[19 Nov 2009|01:12pm]
whats your favorite board game(s) div?

clue,battle ship, and guess who - for me
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[19 Nov 2009|02:37pm]

I'm a Peace Corps volunteer and hot water is only available if you heat it up yourself. Now that it's getting into November, cold showers aren't as charming as they used to be. I know other volunteers who can't handle them at all, but I'm okay until the water hits my back, which is apparently really sensitive.

What about you, divierto? Can you stomach a cold shower, or are they for purposes of cooling the ardor only?
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[19 Nov 2009|03:18pm]
What is a bizarre food or food combo that you like/love that others think is a bit weird or gross?

off we goo.. )
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[19 Nov 2009|03:19pm]
speaking of thanksgiving... soldiers of retail

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because i am impatient too... and cant figure out how to do this myself :-[ [19 Nov 2009|04:35pm]
would someone be able to make me a gif?
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[19 Nov 2009|06:07pm]
Are you going shopping on Black Friday? Where are you going/what are you getting/how early are you going to get there? Let's just talk about the general horror/awesomeness that is black friday. )
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[19 Nov 2009|07:10pm]

If you had a baby tomorrow what would you name him/her? Don't be boring by saying, "I'LL NEVER HAVE KIDS!"

girl: Madelyn Kate
boy: Julian James

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[19 Nov 2009|08:38pm]
Divierto, what has made you happy today?

Today was the first very good day in a looong time. Not only did I get a 95 on my Government test, NBC announced Chuck is coming back early in January as opposed to March with three new episodes in a row and running it through the Olympics. AND they released a preview, complete with Zac being all cute and thanking the fans for saving the show (again) and a full scene from the premiere episode. AND Jack's Mannequin is performing on The Daily Show tonight and I think Andrew is talking about Dear Jack. Today was a very good day.
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[19 Nov 2009|10:52pm]
are there any movies out or coming out that you're looking forward to seeing?

for myself i really want to see Blind Side. and i also REALLY cannot wait for the Lovely Bones to come out!
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[19 Nov 2009|10:59pm]
i know we've had the post of who is your favorite actor, post hot people, etc...

i wanted to see your favorite photo of your favorite hottie (actor, musician, writer, politician, etc.)
mine )
32 comments|post comment

[19 Nov 2009|11:09pm]
do any of you like lupe fiasco? can someone tell me what the FNF army is/stands for/ whatever. is it just his street team, or what? i can't find an explanation anywhere
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[19 Nov 2009|11:57pm]
deev, how do you feel about/would you ever sell your eggs? my friend is considering it and she asked me to do some independent research, and of course i came to you guys.
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