stay classy, divierto's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
stay classy, divierto

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[13 Nov 2009|12:19am]
lol divierto i'm so dumb...this entire week i've been thinking i was getting like, 200 bucks on my next paycheck and i was thinking it couldn't be right because i worked 32+ hours this week and i normally only work 24 and my checks are normally around $300. but i kept doing the math and it came out to around $200 so i just accepted the fact and budgeted for that much money. but being a dumbass i forgot i get paid every other week and my paycheck just got deposited and it's almost $400. i feel so dumb, but yay extra money!

last good surprise you got?
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[13 Nov 2009|01:05am]

holy shit this is like the world's most perfect cat
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[13 Nov 2009|06:59am]
Song on repeat in your head this week? (Or in the cd player too, ha.)

"La Cienega Just Smiled" by Ryan Adams
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[13 Nov 2009|09:43am]
Good ideas for an Anything But Clothes party?
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[13 Nov 2009|12:07pm]
i would like to share with you all a crazy motherfucker

Read more... )
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LMFAO WHAT [13 Nov 2009|01:26pm]

apparently yes, this is indeed real:
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[13 Nov 2009|01:31pm]
Post cute pictures of your pets div, or if you don't have pets just post cute pictures in general.

Mine )
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[13 Nov 2009|03:35pm]
Have you ever commented on someones facebook status and thought someone replied to you so you said something else back, but then you realized they probably didn't and were talking to someone else? I just did that and now I feel like a huge asshole.

Or just talk about your internet fuck ups / embarrassing moments in general.
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[13 Nov 2009|03:41pm]
For some Asian women, appearing more Westernized through having larger eyes is a very real concern. Short of plastic surgery and makeup, there are not many effective ways to give off the appearance of being more in tune with the Occident than the Orient. Designer Soomi Park has thus developed LED eyelashes to give Asian women the appearance of larger eyes and to satisfy their desire to become cyborgs. They can be controlled with subtle head movements, allowing the wearer to turn them on and off with only a simple tilt of the head. The video below gives an accurate demonstration of their use and how they actually look when on an Asian woman.

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[13 Nov 2009|03:47pm]
This is inspired by my afternoon snack. What's your favorite brand of ice cream? Mine's Edy's. I'm eating this kind right now and omg it's amazing. Their Pumpkin is bliss, too.

Unrelated, but would anyone be interested in a community for gamers? We could share tips/reviews/anxiousness for release dates/etc.
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[13 Nov 2009|05:08pm]
if you thought your s.o. was treating their friends poorly, would you say something? or do you consider that none of your business?
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[13 Nov 2009|05:50pm]

also, does anyone else have a problem with their eyelashes being smashed against their glasses? i don't even have my glasses up that high, i just have long lashes and it's really fucking annoying
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[13 Nov 2009|05:58pm]
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[13 Nov 2009|06:10pm]
did any of you keep your learners permit until after you were 18 before you took the road test for your real license?
did they make you retake the four hour drug/alcohol and road rules test? :\
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[13 Nov 2009|10:02pm]
Guys, show me your favorite musicians. Pictures are fun. )
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[13 Nov 2009|10:36pm]
if you are an artist or a writer or something, creator, what is your goal? what is your... purpose, i guess.
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[13 Nov 2009|11:29pm]
If div was a feudal system, what role would you play? Or what role could you see other playing?

I am going to have to claim king, being as it's between me and [info]baked and well, come on.
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