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[11 Nov 2009|12:33am]
what would you like to set on fire

unacceptable answers: yourself, alexis, claiming that you did not start it
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[11 Nov 2009|12:35am]
I just posted, but whatever.

My grandpa's really sick right now, and the doctors don't think he'll make it for more than a few hours longer.

Basically, I left the catholic church when I was fourteen. I very firmly don't believe in personally practicing religion, and I don't believe in god. My grandpa's very, very religious, and he wants me to promise that I'll go back to church and call myself catholic again.

How the hell do I deal with that?!
12 comments|post comment

[11 Nov 2009|11:10am]

i don't even like the black eyed peas but this is too awesome!
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[11 Nov 2009|11:40am]
where else can i get really nice desktop wallpapers (kind of like pixelgirlpresents)?
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[11 Nov 2009|11:52am]

lmfao craigslist, really?
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[11 Nov 2009|11:55am]



i might see precious :)
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[11 Nov 2009|01:58pm]
Because we need yet another music playlist site...

You can make Itunes-style playlists from youtube music videos. Its pretty cool. I just made a daft punk playlist. Check it out.
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WTF IS THIS [11 Nov 2009|02:16pm]
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[11 Nov 2009|02:31pm]
Ruthie from the Real World is apparently at my school tonight. Who has come to your school?

We've also had Ralph Nader, Hal Sparks, The cash cab guy, the post secret guy, the cast from The Best Week Ever, and we've had Cartel and OAR play at Fredfest. This is only what I know of since I've been here though.
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[11 Nov 2009|02:38pm]
Anyone know of any covers similar to Anya Marina's "Whatever You Like"? I'm kind of obsessed at the moment
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[11 Nov 2009|03:19pm]
I know a lot of people don't like posts like this but please, this guy can use all the help he can get.

As it was described, Trent was in the middle of a sentence when he just “disappeared”. What happened was he stepped on a weak point in the roof and fell 25 feet onto concrete. His fall was barely broken by landing on a bike. We believe this is the only reason he is still alive.

I've met this man a few times and each time he's been totally amazing and sweet. Please help out or at least pass this around so he can get his operations and get home healthy.
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[11 Nov 2009|03:53pm]
what's the last thing that made you cry and why?

me first, for so many reasons
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[11 Nov 2009|06:04pm]
Is there any food you refuse to eat and why? I haven't eaten a hotdog in ten years because they freaked me out when I was little.
60 comments|post comment

[11 Nov 2009|06:48pm]
what's for dinner? )
40 comments|post comment

[11 Nov 2009|08:27pm]
i know this is asked alot, but i'm broke so give me ideas of how to make some extra cash quickly :p
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[11 Nov 2009|11:05pm]

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[11 Nov 2009|11:28pm]
divierto, today i got up and got ready for work. i left my house. i got to my bus stop. i transferred buses. i stopped to get coffee. i walked in the door at work and sat down in the breakroom. i stood up and said out loud, "holy shit, i am wearing two pairs of pants."

what did you do today?
54 comments|post comment

[11 Nov 2009|11:53pm]
Anyone know how to do this on )
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