stay classy, divierto's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
stay classy, divierto

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[06 Nov 2009|12:05am]
u got problems? sry i didn't here u over the sound of how awesome i am.

fuck you divierto.
[info]hyz you are a murderer
[info]iced you are a lame canadian who only talks about iced caps
[info]thailand u havin another tsunami? yeah NO ONE CARES
[info]becker ur jeans suck

nothin but socialists up in here
blahblahblah swine flu omg blahblah im sick blahblah i think i have swine flu omg do i have swine flu omg

84 comments|post comment

[06 Nov 2009|12:24am]
maybe this is a stupid question, but how can i get music on my tumblr? like this. thanks! :)
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[06 Nov 2009|12:25am]
so i have some $5 gift certificates to send out to adagio teas (, who wants one?

(just need yo emails)
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MACKINGBEES [06 Nov 2009|12:48am]

i don't know who you are but you can get the fuck out. there's only room for one troll tonight and i'm not leaving.
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[06 Nov 2009|01:37am]
If you could commit one crime, what would it be?
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[06 Nov 2009|01:53am]
Did you miss me?
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[06 Nov 2009|04:58am]
I know it's late (or early) but I have a question! Does anyone have Sprint? I just bought a blackberry from there yesterday, and I have a $150 spending limit? wtf is that? and why did I go online and it says that I have $110 left of my $150 spending limit? I haven't bought anything. I haven't even had the phone for 24 hours. the only thing I downloaded was the twitter application, which was free. Help! if it helps I have 450 anytime minutes but unlimited data. I've only used 4 minutes because every call I make is to a cell phone. So I really don't understand this spending limit thing
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[06 Nov 2009|09:11am]
did i miss another troll night? wtf guys, wtf. i need to stop falling asleep early.

i was wondering how you guys pack, as in, what is your method of doing so? the night before? the day of? a week before? and let's get creepy and talk about how we put stuff into our bags. and last question: what things will you absolutely not leave your house without?

depending on my level of excitement i will pack anywhere from a week to five minutes before i have to leave. which more or less means this weekend is a packing weekend for my trip next saturday. i don't organize anything in my bag, i just throw things in as i find them, and then move them around so everything fits later. it's really a mess but i always manage to get everything in. and i won't go anywhere without my old phone (as a backup in case mine dies), five cds that mean a lot to me (hereafterthis' "come, hear" ep, straylight run's "un mas dos" vinyl ep, brand new's "the devil and god are raging inside of me", eisley's "room noises", and taking back sunday's "new again"), and my notebook that keeps track of basically everything. i have my bank information, my login information for about thirty different sites, a million other codes and important information, as well as my ssn.
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[06 Nov 2009|01:00pm]
What's yer ringtoneee?
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[06 Nov 2009|01:46pm]
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[06 Nov 2009|02:51pm]
I think I want to move to Portland, OR.
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[06 Nov 2009|03:58pm]
i'm leaving for vegas tonight and i still need to wash and pack. put music on my ipod and probably take a nap because i worked graveyard last night. and all i'm doing is sitting right here going around in circles on the internet.

so, div what is something you need to be doing right now?
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[06 Nov 2009|04:30pm]
I am so ridiculously excited for Smallville tonight, it's so good this season...

what is your biggest guilty pleasure CW show, div?
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[06 Nov 2009|05:01pm]

This makes me giggle everytime.

Div, what makes you laugh everytime you see it no matter how many times you may have watched/looked at it?
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[06 Nov 2009|05:30pm]
if you're out of high school and have been for a few years, do you ever talk to people about it?

i was just talking to someone i graduated with and she was telling me again how everyone thought i was playing the most elaborate joke of all time when i said i was a republican in high school
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[06 Nov 2009|05:46pm]
Guys, I'm going to Busch Gardens tomorrow. Problem is, I'm TERRIFIED of roller coasters but my boyfriend is making me ride all of them. If you've been to Busch Gardens (the one in Tampa, FL)which ride did you find to be the most intense?

Every time I'm in a roller coaster I feel like my seat belt thing is going to just fall open when I'm upside down or something.

And so this isn't pointless, post pictures of food that you are craving right now.
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[06 Nov 2009|06:27pm]
divierto, tell us about yourself. we don't know many of you like we should

i am particularly calling [info]pantsparty [info]dub and [info]rain [info]abortion and [info]sungmin [info]dollplay [info]supposed [info]dandelion [info]pilgrim [info]coolpearls up to bat

ugh [info]kirk get your ass back here

oh and [info]bodiesuntouched

263 comments|post comment

[06 Nov 2009|06:31pm]
after breaking up with someone or being broken up with, how long does it usually take you to feel like you're really over the person?
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[06 Nov 2009|07:13pm]
thrifting gold )

what was your last purchase? know of any good lj comms for thrifters?
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[06 Nov 2009|09:37pm]
Alien apocalypse vs zombie apocalypse vs robot apocalypse.

Which do you think you'd survive?
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[06 Nov 2009|10:03pm]

Next week I'm going to a club with a space theme! What sort of clothes, accessories, etc would look space-like?! I think it sounds like a fun theme!

so everyone can join in: what's your favorite theme for a party? have you gone to one with that theme or do you want to?

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[06 Nov 2009|10:29pm]
What has you stressed out? How do you fit things into your schedule and motivate yourself to do so when you're exhausted?

I'm feeling extremely stressed out over the amount of work I have to complete before I can even begin studying for my Praxis exams, which are next Saturday. I have a feeling I'll fail and it will be a waste of $200+ dollars.
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[06 Nov 2009|11:45pm]
divierto my 30-year-old room mate just vomited on my floor after getting ready to go out for three hours, being out for an hour and a half, and stumbling in drunk as fuck

i am unhappy with this
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