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stay classy, divierto

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[28 Oct 2009|12:14am]
i bought music from iTunes. the music is currently on iPod and my old laptop...but my laptop died, and i cannot extract anything from it any more. how do i get the music i downloaded on that computer to transfer over to this laptop? i'm logged into my itunes account but clearly that isn't all you need to do. :\
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[28 Oct 2009|01:08am]
tea enthusiasts! where do you get your tea? especially your loose tea.

i've been enjoying teavana's rooibos chai and some coconut rooibos, i have some of adagio's sampler tins. i need more more more and i can never go back to bags.
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[28 Oct 2009|02:42am]
I just found out that someone (I have not a clue who) got access to my bank account and has been making purchases online with it. I couldn't understand why $150 was missing from my account so I checked and there was a withdrawal of $151.06 for the website which is some clothing website for the uk. I am shaking right now and just feeling so violated. Tomorrow I'm going to go to my bank and see what there is to be done but I'm scared since I have no proof that I did not make the purchase.

Has anyone else been in this situation and could give me some advice? I am just so freaked out that I can't even cry but I so want to right now.
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[28 Oct 2009|09:55am]
hello div :-) i haven't been on IJ in foreverrrrr so i come bearing lulz
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[28 Oct 2009|10:11am]
for health i'm doing a powerpoint on depression, and to make it interesting i'm including slides that deal with depression in movies and tv shows. i've got movies, but having trouble with tv shows.

what are different tv shows that have characters dealing with depression? so far all i've got is tony soprano.
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[28 Oct 2009|01:01pm]
There is a winter storm warning in effect here until 6AM on Friday. For those of you who don't know what that means... It's BLIZZARD TIME! They're predicting 12-16 inches of snow. And they just canceled my afternoon class. :]

When was the last time your classes got canceled?

What's the weather like your way?
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[28 Oct 2009|01:10pm]
Why did your last relaionship end?

Who ended it?

Was it a long time coming?
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[28 Oct 2009|01:42pm]
makeup users of divierto!

what's a good eyeshadow to use if i don't want to put on primer before but i want it to be heavy and not crease?

everyone else of divierto!

how's today been like for you?
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[28 Oct 2009|03:03pm]
the other night a 28 year old admitted he liked me via text while he was [very] drunk. not to mention i'm only eighteen and a freshman in college, but okay! i'm not interested in dating him based on the age gap alone (we're in two completely different spots in our lives, y'know?) so div, how much older have you dated?
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[28 Oct 2009|05:20pm]
Favorite dessert?
Mine's Strawberry Shortcake. Drool.
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[28 Oct 2009|05:22pm]
i hate asking for homework help but :( i think i might be crazy cause i can't find the answer ANYWHERE

this is a bio-1000 question: regardless of how the other pairs of chromosomes line up at the equator, one chromosome of each homologous pair migrates toward the opposite poles of the cell during anaphase I. this is called? ________ ________

it's a two word answer, and the only thing i could come up with is independent assortment, but that's during metaphase I ahhhh
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[28 Oct 2009|06:54pm]
Do you ever think someone is going to do something to surprise you and then they don't so you end up disappointed? I keep thinking my boyfriend will randomly show up to visit me at school, but he doesn't so I end up disappointed on the nights when I think it might happen. Its annoying.
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[28 Oct 2009|07:35pm]
Another post from me, sorry guys

Current desktop? )
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[28 Oct 2009|09:00pm]
what do you think, div:
too late to find a halloween costume?
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[28 Oct 2009|09:07pm]
i would just like to thank [info]iced for her original obama banana comment, for it has led to the most amazing pictures to ever grace the internet.


feel free to put the president's face on other fruit as well.
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[28 Oct 2009|09:24pm]
Why do you morons keep deleting your posts? It was just getting fun too.
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[28 Oct 2009|09:54pm]
HELP again :)

For an assignment I had to create a questionnaire.
One question was about UMBC (my college) another was about the US military involvement overseas, then the others were about discrimination.

What the f do I title this thing???
I didn't want to title it "UMBC, United States Military, and Discrimination Questionnaire"
but I can't think of anything else that's catchy and still professional!

Please help me, ya'll are so creative I know you can do thisss :)
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[28 Oct 2009|10:10pm]
i think after that post we need to have this one

what is your party affiliation

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[28 Oct 2009|10:33pm]
We should have daily themes! Like Drama Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Freaky Friday, etc.

Put your *opinions* on what each should be here~

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[28 Oct 2009|10:38pm]

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[28 Oct 2009|10:42pm]

post things that made you say wtf irl
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[28 Oct 2009|10:55pm]
When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her

When she pushes you or hits you like a dummie cause she thinks shes stronger than you
Grab her and dont let go

When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough Kiss her and tell her you love her

When she's quiet Ask her whats wrong

When she ignores you Give her your attention

When she pulls away Pull her back

When you see her at her worst Tell her she's beautiful

When you see her start crying Just hold her and don't say a word

When you see her walking Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

When she's scared Protect her

When she steals your favorite hoodie Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night

When she cheats on you forgive her and hold it over her head

When she teases you Tease her back and make her laugh

When she doesn't answer for a long time leave her a few messages asking her who she's with

When she looks at you with doubt Put her in her place

When she says that she loves you she really does more than you can understand

When she bumps into you; bump into her back and make her laugh

When she looks at you in your eyes dont look away until she does

When she says it's over
don't let her outta your sight.
46 comments|post comment

these two ecards sum us all up div [28 Oct 2009|11:12pm]

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[28 Oct 2009|11:29pm]
i think we should write a divierto constitution

and then have everyone sign it, but my signature has to be the biggest because my mom's maiden name was hancock

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