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making up for my lack of posts [21 Oct 2009|12:40am]
so my mp3 player died. basically it won't let me add new files and if i create a new folder, it won't let me delete it. it was a sansa.

my question is, which mp3 players do you guys use and would recommend? i'd rather not get another sansa or an ipod because i don't want to deal with itunes, but if you have really good experiences with either, let me know!
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[21 Oct 2009|01:15am]
Who wants an invitation to lockerz? Leave your email address, comments are screened, obviously.
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[21 Oct 2009|11:54am]
when it comes to getting shots/poked with medical needles, are you good about it or do you get nervous about it? have you ever fainted afterward?

i'm terrible about it. i went to get my annual tb for work and flu shot this morning and passed out in the doctor's office which unfortunately is pretty typical for me. :(
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[21 Oct 2009|12:05pm]
my school does this stupid event each year called "sleep out on the quad" and the intention is to "raise awareness" for homelessness. they do things like have cardboard box mansion building contests, have t-shirts to prove that you totally understand what it's like to be homeless, and now they are selling the leftover t-shirts that say something like "I Slept Out on the Quad" and 2009 or something equally dumb.

i'm wondering if other schools do anything as ridiculous as this?
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[21 Oct 2009|01:04pm]
this is fucking gold lmfao


share your favorite parody
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[21 Oct 2009|01:14pm]
do you kill bugs? i don't kill bugs, or spiders, or other crawlers. i have a 'friend' (using that term loosely) that is a ~*vegan animal lover*~ that kills bugs. we even got into a fight over it.
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[21 Oct 2009|01:16pm]
I've always wondered and have been curious about people's work experiences so,

If you guys are currently employed, part-time or full-time, where do you work and do you like it?
no need to leave location details or what not for sake of internetz safety

and if you're not currently employed, what was the last place you worked at or where are you interested in working for your first job?

I'm currently looking, but I worked for my school previously and Starbucks. I half loved working at Starbucks, but I had my moments of hating it. Free coffee all the time was a major plus.
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[21 Oct 2009|02:08pm]
when you want ketchup or mustard for dipping, at the end of your meal do you have any left over? do you run out, or do you end up even? no matter how long i'm alive, i think i will never balance out. i was randomly thinking about that when i had a corndog for lunch :)

also, have you read anything about windows 7? i was never picky with my os, so i'm easily excited when it comes to any new release. i want it baaaaad since i'm still on xp. what do you have?
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lol oops [21 Oct 2009|03:21pm]
what's the last cute thing someone did for you?

my dad told me i should have a package in the mail, and i got it today. i opened it up, and it was a card signed my by entire family for halloween, and then in the box was all my favorite halloween candy :')
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[21 Oct 2009|03:34pm]
If you could say anything to the customers you deal with at work, what would you say?

dear verizon wireless prepaid customers, )
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[21 Oct 2009|04:13pm]
i'll take my chances with the flu )
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[21 Oct 2009|07:05pm]
What kind of underwear would you wear with fishnets?
Eta: I forgot to add that you'd be able to see it through what I'm wearing over it.

And are you doing anything for Halloween?
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[21 Oct 2009|09:07pm]
This may or may not have been done recently.

Do you get flu shots?
Are you getting the swine flu vaccine?
Any thoughts? I'm thinking I should get it but I have never even had one for the regular flu.
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[21 Oct 2009|10:19pm]
Question for all my curly-hair ladies!

What products do you use when/if you straighten your hair?
And, What type of tool do you use?

i use )

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[21 Oct 2009|10:23pm]
Div, what's your favorite restaurant? Or a few of them, if you can't choose. What do you like from there?? And where is it located?

EDIT:: lol, i'm surprised nobody's said Ruth's Chris!!! That's mine, hands down.
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[21 Oct 2009|10:31pm]
divierto, how do you deal with really intensely mentally ill friends? one of my friends recently lost it and another one of them hasn't ever HAD it and me and another person are caught in the middle and it sucks. seriously, how do you deal with people and their fucking drama?
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[21 Oct 2009|11:12pm]
Favorite N64 games?! I've decided that's what I'm asking for for Christmas.

mine! )
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