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stay classy, divierto

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[18 Oct 2009|12:03am]
Do you have any physical traits that no one else in your family has? Like a recessive gene or whatever decided to pop up after a few generations so you don't know where it came from?

I have green eyes. Blue eyes run on my mothers side of the family, brown eyes on my dads side. I have yet to see another person in my family with green eyes.
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my last hope [18 Oct 2009|12:24am]
i have been asking everywhere, and i know there is someone out there who can de-tag this picture for me?! pleaaaase! gah.
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[18 Oct 2009|09:42am]
Last famous person you met? I'm hoping to meet Dennis Rodman in a couple hours, I grew up watching him and the Bulls in their glory days, so I'm excited!
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[18 Oct 2009|10:19am]
tell me some funny stories you've heard about yourself or that you remember while being drunk
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[18 Oct 2009|12:33pm]
It's pouring rain here and 34 degrees, but it's so beautiful and conducive to work, so I'm pleased. It's so beautiful to watch through the 5th floor windows at the library. It's now even snowing a little :)

How's your weather?
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[18 Oct 2009|04:47pm]
if someone is annoying while you're in a movie theatre, do you say something to them?

last night i saw where the wild things are with some friends and someone took a fucking two year old baby to the 9:30 showing. he was alright for most of it but totally ruined the last twenty minutes running and crawling up and down the aisles (A+ parenting with swine flu going around), screaming, and finally yelling repeatedly "i gotta go pee!" my friend kept yelling "can you please take your kid to go pee?" but they actually sat there to see the ending of the movie instead of taking their kid to the bathroom. multiple people in front of us turned around and gave them mean looks and this one guy kept saying things from his seat, but no one got up and got an usher or anything, probably to avoid missing the end of the movie.
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[18 Oct 2009|05:02pm]
Hey ~div, I'm kind of confused here. Has anyone ever paid the $6.99/month over at big fish games for the unlimited versions of a game? If so, will the game still work even after the month has ended?

Let me explain here...I want to play Cake Mania's full version so I pay the $6.99 for this month and download the game, will I still be able to play it even after the month expires or will it expire?

Thanks in advance.
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[18 Oct 2009|07:54pm]
Okay div I need your help once again.

I just saw Where the Wild Things Are and while I loved the movie, I need to find a trailer that was in front of it. I don't know if any of you have seen it but I figured I'd take my chances. It was the one about the babies, the 4 babies in the first year of their life? I remember everything about the trailer, except the name of the movie and it's driving me crazy. I've tried googling everything I can think of. Does anyone remember the name of the movie I'm talking about? -.-
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[18 Oct 2009|08:11pm]
Someone help me pick out a good, easy research topic for social research methods. My teacher rejected my topic, and although I can easily rip one off of his list of suggestions, I don't know if he would like that. I'm doing people's attitudes towards mentally ill, which is half of my original topic anyway. thanks though!

Do you have midterms? I mean like, legit midterm tests? I feel like everyone around me is always freaking out about midterm exams, and I've had very very few actual midterms. The majority of my professors just add up and average the grades you've gotten thus far and skip the official test business.
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[18 Oct 2009|08:38pm]
divierto, today my manager asked me if i could bend over for him. it was quite possibly the most awkward and hysterical thing that has happened to me in a long time. he meant to zip-tie together some grids, but nonetheless, he was apologizing all night for it.

tell me funny stories from work
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[18 Oct 2009|09:44pm]
Hey all.... my roomies and I have had a flea problem for two months now (and that's how long the cat's been gone), and I've been covered in bites since then. We've tried everything - bombing the house, constant vacuuming/washing, exterminators, etc, but nothing works and I find new baby fleas every day.

So I guess, until the fleas die, is there any sort of human flea repellent that anyone knows of? I've googled it to death, but I thought some of you might have home recipes so I'm not devoured while I sleep

Also, has anyone ever tried hedge apples/mock oranges as a flea repellent for the room?
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[18 Oct 2009|10:26pm]
Lets say you're going to dress up as Taylor Swift. What do you wear?
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[18 Oct 2009|10:28pm]
hey, div! let's see some of your celebrity crushes!

mine! )
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[18 Oct 2009|11:00pm]
Has anyone ever been to Hotel of Horror in Saylorsburg, PA? How is it?
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[18 Oct 2009|11:06pm]
what do you find to be a scary movie, div? what's the scariest film you've seen?

[info]donowitz and I have been discussing and have you noticed people say movies like Hostel are scary? But aren't those just disgusting? Is there a difference between scary and disgusting or does a scary movie have to make you wanna be sick?
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[18 Oct 2009|11:12pm]
don't think this has been posted yet, sooo what are you going to be for halloween??
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[18 Oct 2009|11:54pm]
hi div kids. how many of you gag when your boyfriend kisses you? D: this can be with his tongue in your mouth, or otherwise. every time he shoves his tongue into my mouth i always always gag and i always feel so bad but it happens every time :[
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[18 Oct 2009|11:58pm]
divierto i have a date with someone on wednesday night. i do not know him, it is our first date. i know not to talk about politics or religion or past relationships but jesus christ what can we talk about?

eta: can you tell me what else i should/should not be aware of. it's just dinner and a movie. how fancy should i get? i don't own like.. "going out" clothes really.
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